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Experiences with Obama Hatred

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posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 06:24 AM
Personally I don't know Obama so I can't hate him,what i hate is his cabinet and his game plan,don't hate the player hate the game

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
What he has said about disarming America is very frightening.

Frightening to you. I don't think there are many of us who mind not being able to own an assault rifle.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
What he has said about gun ownership is very frightening.

You mean that he think states should choose gun ownership rights? That's his position on it by the way.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
What he has said about tax and spend is frightening.

To you. Many of us believe the middle class is the back bone of this economy. We believe there has already been a redistribution of wealth in the other direction.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
What he has said about cutbacks on NASA is frightening.

Not sure I know about those, but I don't see how any cuts on NASA could be "frightening".

Originally posted by FlyersFan
What he has done his life - or more to the point - what he hasn't done in his life and his lack of experience is frightening.

But you are geared up and ready to vote for Palin? Someone who, to this point, the only experience she really had was mayor of a small town.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
What he has said about 'bitter people clinging to guns and religion' and what he has said about 'typical white people' and what he has said about 'that's how white folks will do you' .. and on and on and on ... is frightening.

Look what happened after he got elected. What are people doing? You don't think most people who voted against him didn't do it based off of either guns or religion? Did you?

Originally posted by FlyersFan
His followers are frightening as well. Formerly smart people now go around spouting that if you didn't vote for Obama or if you say anything negative about him then you are just a racist. They took stupid pills. That's frightening as well.

You think Obama supporters are frightening? Have you seen some McCain supporters. I heard they try to bite off your fingers with their tooth, that's right, TOOTH.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Frightened of Obama being POTUS? You betchya.

That's pretty sad. Ii think you should reconsider your position and give the man a chance. At least let him screw up before you attack him.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
But you are geared up and ready to vote for Palin? Someone who, to this point, the only experience she really had was mayor of a small town.

1 - No. I didn't vote for Palin or McCain either.
2 - She is GOVENOR of Alaska in addition to having been a mayor.

BTW - That's more executive experience then Obama - the community organizer - has.

Ii think you should reconsider your position and give the man a chance. At least let him screw up before you attack him.

Someone said that people are afraid of Obama. I responded with why people are. We gave him a chance for 2 years to make his position known. What we see is that it will take America in a frightening direction.

You, and 60 million people like what you see.
However I, and 60 million others, do not.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
But you are geared up and ready to vote for Palin? Someone who, to this point, the only experience she really had was mayor of a small town.

1 - No. I didn't vote for Palin or McCain either.
2 - She is GOVENOR of Alaska in addition to having been a mayor.

BTW - That's more executive experience then Obama - the community organizer - has.

Heh... looks like his Community Organizer skills paid off!

That just shows you how much more power community organizers like Obama have over the people actually elected to represent us.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Actually 65,431,955 people see it Obamas way and 57,434,084 did not.
When it comes to millions you can't round up or round down that much buddy.

On to Mrs. Palin
So leaving your town of 5,000 saddled with 22 Million dollars of debt is good experience? Not only that she raised tax's also. 15 million of those dollars went to creating a multi-use recreations center that has been said to have been a money trap and not the beneficial item she made it out to be. She wanted it built on land that the town didn't even own, and it was stuck for 7 years in court trying to reconcile that matter alone.

But sure if that's the kind of experience you are looking for by all means go for her.

[edit on 9-11-2008 by djpaec]

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 02:31 PM
Yes because I need the RPG to hunt squirrels... And how dare states have the right to choose who owns a gun or not? Who does Obama think the states are, controlled by a Gov. or something? Oh noes! He'll cut taxes on the middle class and cut spending! How dare he not dump trillions in to Halliburton and Freddie Mac! We need to murder more Americans in Iraq... Cuts to NASA? How is that scary? Really? Oh sure it would be cool to go to the moon again but for what? I'd rather have a road or bridge built then another moon mission. But Palin's experience bankrupting a small town and being the Gov. of a State with a smaller population the Chicago... Where Barack did stuff for a few years. Hell the Night Manager at the store has more Exec Exp since he has more then three people to yell at then Palin. Yeah, because the right wing nutjobs calling him the anti christ and threatening to kill him aren't bitter... And how dare people support a guy who won't murder Americans? How dare they support a man who won't base his foreign diplomacy off of parodies of Beach Boy Songs... More Republican BS, scared of a black man in the White House.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:39 PM
It's truly pathetic that over 140 years after The Emancipation Proclamation, and almost 40 years after man set foot on the moon, we still have racists spouting their trash.

Shroud it in political rhetoric all you want, but putting lipstick on a pig doesn't make it any better.

Some people may look at their "pure" heritage as a sign that they are somehow superior or better, when in fact it's the exact opposite.

Without the introduction of new and unrelated genes, in the long term all living creatures suffer "loss of genetic diversity," which inevitably leads to weaker animals with health problems.

Genetic diversity is the only thing that will keep our species going.
If you ask me, racism is a mental illness, and should be treated that way.

If it ever comes, the greatest day for mankind will be the day we stop looking at the differences between us, and start looking at what we have in common.

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