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Order of the Buffalo

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posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:59 AM

In Freemasonry we have Lodge buildings which normally contain a bar, but we're never allowed to take our drinks into the Temple with us at any time.

You have a much more progressive Lodge than I do. Our local Temple Association won't let the local Shrine Club hold it's meetings in the building for fear that someone might open a beer....


posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by senrak
You have a much more progressive Lodge than I do. Our local Temple Association won't let the local Shrine Club hold it's meetings in the building for fear that someone might open a beer....


Do you guys get together and eat dinner after your working? Or maybe you do, but you go somewhere else?
In the UK, 99% of our Lodges have a refectory. After we come out of the Temple, we all sit down and dine together. Obviously, there is wine or beer and normally this comes from an inbuilt bar. Some Lodges just have an area where they keep a few cans, but the vast majority have beer on tap

Like I said though - it's total tabboo to take any drink into the Temple. Even if it's not working, I wouldn't even dare take a Coke in there.

posted on Jun, 21 2004 @ 05:06 PM

Do you guys get together and eat dinner after your working? Or maybe you do, but you go somewhere else?
In the UK, 99% of our Lodges have a refectory. After we come out of the Temple, we all sit down and dine together. Obviously, there is wine or beer and normally this comes from an inbuilt bar. Some Lodges just have an area where they keep a few cans, but the vast majority have beer on tap

Like I said though - it's total tabboo to take any drink into the Temple. Even if it's not working, I wouldn't even dare take a Coke in there.

My Lodge has a snack or something afterwards, but Grand Lodge rules prohibit alcoholic beverages. (A hold-over from the old days of Prohibition) Some Grand Lodges are starting to allow wine or beer with a meal in the Temple, but not all. Also some Grand Lodges in the U.S. are actually allowing "Table Lodges" (for those of you who aren't familiar with them, it's a Lodge meeting over dinner...sometimes held in the Lodge building, sometimes in a local restaurant) Wine or beer is allowed at these. we're beginning to "lighten up" a bit over here on this side of the pond...but it's been slow progress.

posted on Jul, 26 2007 @ 10:21 PM
Being female i cannot give much info but my grandfather was a chairman of the Last order of the Water Buffalos.
All descendants of that side of my family are female and can only give me a small amount of information.
He did work at Rolls Royces though during the 1930s to 50s as an armourer.I know that donations of properties were involved so that MALE family members could use these properties (lodges) .
I am under the belief that they were coastal accomodations.
I am u.k. also.

posted on Jul, 29 2007 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Leveller

Originally posted by senrak
They even allow alchohol in their buildings. ...but then again, so does Freemasonry outside the U.S.A.

Heh. I'm not talking about in the building. I'm talking about in the actual Temple (or whatever Buffs call it) whilst they're working.
In Freemasonry we have Lodge buildings which normally contain a bar, but we're never allowed to take our drinks into the Temple with us at any time.

Looks like I'm an officer in the wrong lodge, no bar in mine.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 11:43 AM
Yes, the order of the Buffalo does exist. I don't know much about them but I know someone who attends their meetings once a month. Apparently they're similar to Freemasons, and say they work together to raise money for charity.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 03:08 PM
WHAAAT just how many secret society's is there. If they all banded together, i guess they could take over the world

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by KingSolomon

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander

The Grand Primo

The Officer's attire has a very close resemblence to Masonic regalia. Notice the apron?

Looks very similar to my dads Royal Arch Regalia.

Their is one about 15 miles from me i know a member he didn't manage to join freemasonry for one reason or another so he joined the Buffs as we call them.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by senrak

Hello we have found some items of the buffalo regalia that belonged to my husbands uncle,these being a chain with medals or sheilds on it,also a certificate saying,Royal antediluvian order of buffaloes,Grand lodge of england,This is to certify that Brother Stephen Joseph Orme,was initiated a member of the Sir John Dalton Lodge,No 1079,in the town of Stockport on the 5th day of March 1906. Sp ? Fielding CP.CM Mm Burgin C sec Jas a Thornton Please do you have any information on this lodge or the people that are on the ccertificate.
Thank you Regards Glenys
e Mail [email protected]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Prima Facie

Maybe they are .... maybe the Illuminati at the top are directing all of these secret societies including Skull & Bones for world population control!

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:07 PM
Hi all,

I have been a member of the Exodus Collective on Luton town England,We have been fighting a non violent
War,for us as a community to have our lifes in our own hands.
Squating derlict buildings,using Houseing benerfits,to fix up the derlicts,that would otherwise
end up in the pockets of greedy land lords,
We allso had a farm we fixed up,and put on free music events,
The police and Brewers I,E Samual Whitbread did there upmost to distroy us.
when we house people and do the work to fix up the housing,it shows you dont have to use big housing companys
such as masonic companys to compleat a good prject,all the housing companys are masons any way.
When we was putting on music events all the people from Luton and the Countys around Bedfordshire
were at the Exodus dances wich took the night time econemy (Alcohol) away from the big corrprits
and gave a community some resorces,to have a life away from the innercity crap we have.
Well the exodus story is now Leviticuscollective.

getting to my main.I reasently found my grandfarthers Buffalo medal wich has two five pointed stars on.
It was the out line of a red star and a white star,in the center it says primo.
Then i found a book,The history of the 5th battalion Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment T.A.
Then I found The Cap badge of my grandfarthers,
The masonic Buffalo R.A.O.B medal fitted in perfect geomitary with this millitary cap badge.
On reading the book it says the book is under house arest,must not leave the house.
It also shows a photo of my grandfarther with King George VI and Samual Whitbread,in Luton 1926.
Speaking to an old man Who Knew my Grandfarther I explaind the medal Two five pointed stars the cap badge and the book
I said thats Pen ten ,being the pentergram X2 he agreed.Pen 10.000 people and control each Estate
with 10.000 people in.
Then doing my job as a gardener,I got to talk to many other elderly Luton resedents,many of whom said there farthers were
in the buffs,Wich I lerned alot about luton in WW1 & WW2,But it was to bring alot of atention to me.

Heres the Realy interesting part I was sitting across the road at an elder friends house,His name is Mr Mason.
where I use the net alot.
He is strangely sitting up stairs on his computer with his tv on but not working properly,why he was doing this I dont Know
as the TV was all flickering,
Then A TV Show Comes on Called PRIMO TV the TV stops flickering and They tell me not to worry other people are receving this
Now I Know You can send audio and Vision through your plug sockets these days probely have been able to for a very long time.
They told me that they were a long line of in the last two weeks I find out that RAOB is a group,club for actors.
In our community we resently made a film for News paper editors And TV editors Showing that we Know they control people
through media and fear instiled in the news,
Were would you hide the truth about the masons.
In what I hear the Buffalos are the poor peoples masons,No matter what masons they are They all work for the same agender.
To control,
Masons Give to charty to make them selfs look good,nuffing top down works for the people it has to be bottom up.
I have much more interesting dialog to tell,But I shall save it for the next time i post on here.
All my best.

The self Made Lord Lutenant of Marsh Farm,L.LT.MF

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 12:38 AM
link lodge doesn't have a bar...does that vary based on state lodge rules?

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Richardfromoxford

What lodge bro and where is it?
I'll try to help.

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