posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:26 PM
There have been a great many, including guys like Alex Jones, that indicated this exact thing was going to happen following the election.
According to the New World Order folks, the McCain-Palin campaign never had a chance to defeat Obama in the General Election. Palin was a complete
and miserable pick to secure their loss.
All these things stated about Palin are anonymous, which I do find interesting.
Here's an example of such thought:
McCain and Palin were never seriously in contention due to the coming October Surprise, so this gave the Illuminists a chance to cater to the
Christian Right without any worries about Palin ever becoming President in the event that McCain could no longer serve in that capacity. Once again,
the naive and fawning Christian Right got all excited over being patronized in yet another false-flag overture to Christians. The Palin nomination
was intended as a plug for incumbent traitors in Congress who had electorates filled with Christian voters. The idea was to energize these Christian
voters so as to help these incumbents get reelected. In this manner, the evil Illuminists attempted to keep the best government officials that money
could buy in office, while the government officials who were up for reelection attempted to keep their established system of embedded graft and
corruption going. Apparently, despite all that has happened, the Christian Right still can't recognize a wolf in sheep's clothing, nor are they
able to perceive when they are being led down a garden path. With that kind of gullible leadership, Christianity is doomed in the US. In time, we
will become just like Europe, unless God intervenes with an Exodus-like series of miracles to spark a Christian revival, because that is what it will
probably take to wake up our sleeping Christian leaders.