posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 10:57 AM
I think its incredibly biased and arrogant of those supporting prop 8 to first say the movement towards homosexuality acceptance in the main stream
social order is a bad idea or that its detrimental to children or anything like that. For those of you supporting such accusations, your just hiding
your petty prejudices behind hollow excuses. It goes back to the point that this law still encroaches on CIVIL RIGHTS. It doesn't matter what your
opinion on the subject is personally. Your preference is not in the slightest whats being asked, its the fact that the right to pursue each
individuals personal happiness is being trampled on by laws produced by narrow minded conservative morons to restrict what will be accepted to what
they are willing to accept. It's intolerable. It's infuriating.We today frown upon racism, of all kinds. Its crude, inappropriate and by standards
of law not tolerated, but prejudice is fine? wheres the logic in a system that will prosecute racist actions against individuals (hate crimes) but
will-fully denies others of an opposite sexual preference than the norm their rights to be happy and on equal standing with their hetero counterparts?
Its another example of how much bull american society pumps into its mainstream beliefs.Keep thinking your moralistic, keep thinking your
always are right? couldn't possibly be wrong? not ever? I guess thats why we dont have slaves anymore huh? and why we lifted the prohibition right? I
guess we werent rethinking our steps when we let go of the segregation laws we were just changing our minds about what to say is right instead of
being wrong and correcting ourselves, is that it?
[edit on 6-11-2008 by Averysmallfoxx]