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Being a liberal on this board...

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posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Don't be hurt, it's not true...

Libertarians do what both parties won't and DON'T want to do.

True lies, you ROCK. I agaree with everything you say.
And, yeah, Krazy Jethro, both parties SUCK right now. Seems like the time is right for a third party to take up the reins.

I started a new thread with the world's smallest political quiz. Take it, please, maybe ya'll arene't the dems or repubs you think you are!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I'm sorry Colonel, you don't like being called a moron. Its too bad you feel the need in resembling one so closely that non-morons can tell the difference.

If there's anyone around that s-s-s-stutters, its you, trying to fling offenses out at a rapidfire pace, while trying in no manner to furhter any rational debate.

You are the only argument that makes it a logical option to close the Pit down. In doing so, you'd either join the human race or be booted straight to another board that feels tha tstupidity and name-calling on a continuous basis is an acceptable way of being.

TC, did I hurt your fweelings?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Originally posted by TrueLies

Don't be hurt, it's not true...

Libertarians do what both parties won't and DON'T want to do.

True lies, you ROCK. I agaree with everything you say.
And, yeah, Krazy Jethro, both parties SUCK right now. Seems like the time is right for a third party to take up the reins.
Thank you, thank you... I just speak the truth... I know alot of people feel the same way, but I also have a hunch that the truth as been whitewashed by media who have alot to do with washington. Or shall I say the evil people at the top..... Both parties do SUCK, they suck right off eachother and play us for a bunch of fools. Since they have created the buttons on us to push, they know which ones to push when it comes time to. Sound weird? Truth is always stranger then fiction-----I forget who said that.
I started a new thread with the world's smallest political quiz. Take it, please, maybe ya'll arene't the dems or repubs you think you are!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:45 AM
I'm not to the point to where I feel I have to support a third party. I don't agree with their ideas enough to support them on their merits either.

I think some real change needs to happen in this country that is far beyond political parties, the president, and the media.

Nothing short of major tragity will bring us from the brink, back to a place of smarter focus on the things that matter.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 05:10 PM
No, what needs to happen is a revolution. This however will never happen no matter how much you want it. The government has had too long to make people stupid (Patriotic?) through the media, TVs, radios e.t.c.

They have turned real people against real people. Whites against blacks, liberals against Conservatives e.t.c. They must be laughing their arses off at what they've created, they're untouchable. They've made the majority of people ignorant (TC is a pure prototype of the system, we should put him in an observation cage as an example, sorry man) and they know that as long as they keep people disbanded and a sense of being alone intact, they have nothing to fear.

So far they are 98% successful in this game.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by John Nada]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 05:18 PM

So far they are 98% successful in this game.

And as long as you play THEIR game they will be 100% successful at the game.

The Libertarians MAY NOT be any better but at least their heading in the right direction, and I for one would be willing to give them threr turn at bat BEFORE I start shooting Government officials.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Colonel

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I'm sorry Colonel, you don't like being called a moron. Its too bad you feel the need in resembling one so closely that non-morons can tell the difference.

If there's anyone around that s-s-s-stutters, its you, trying to fling offenses out at a rapidfire pace, while trying in no manner to furhter any rational debate.

You are the only argument that makes it a logical option to close the Pit down. In doing so, you'd either join the human race or be booted straight to another board that feels tha tstupidity and name-calling on a continuous basis is an acceptable way of being.

TC, did I hurt your fweelings?

No. Your ignorance offends me. Your inability to debate or discuss sickens me. Your only ability, to demonize and insult, nauseates me.

But the likes of you do not hurt my "fweelings"

You are capable of so much more, I am certain. But now it seems you are merely a distraction, much like a child among adults who are talking.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 03:40 AM
With the way this broke down...I would think this would have been much better for a blog...oh well...

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 05:54 AM
link that is going to solve anything.

We got too many socialists disguising as "liberals" imo.

Now, I am not saying all liberals are, but whoever talks about a "revolution".....

Lets see what communism is.

In modern usage, the term Communism (written with a capital C) is applied to the movement that aims to overthrow the capitalist order by revolutionary means and to establish a classless society in which all goods will be socially owned.

Excerpt taken from.

Revolutions lead to "war" and "civil unrest" in a country, and quite frankly it is the least we need in our country, but it is exactly what happened to our caribbean neighbor known as Cuba.

Cuba was as advanced as the US was, Cuba was at its prime before Castro began talking about a revolution that would change everything. People did not feel they had enough and wanted more, but people back then had as much or more than most of the US at that time. Noone was starving and all households had tvs, people could own cars, land and other properties.

But Castro promised the people that they would get more, and everything will be given in equal amounts to everyone... At the end when he was put in power people began to see what he was, he kept the best things for himself since he is "the state," but his socialist ideals had captivated the people so much that many of them were blinded for a long time.

Now everyone knows what he really is, and who helped start it all.

This same group has won a new country in a different way, making it change into a new system which was never in power before. Slowly we will see as Spain will fall under its new socialist party.
I do hope that the Spaniards see their mistake before is too late and can change back to the conservative party they had.

Socialism and communism look great in paper, but they can not be introduced in a world where leaders can be corrupted, this has been happening, and still happens, in all countries that are "socialists and or communists."

Countries need a way to "check and balance" government, so that noone will ever have "absolute power". Communism and socialism make sure that everything is given out through the state, people in power, not letting people have personnal property. Everything is actually property of the state, and if you get too much, the government takes it away because "everyone must have the same amount of things."

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib that is going to solve anything.

We got too many socialists disguising as "liberals" imo.

Now, I am not saying all liberals are, but whoever talks about a "revolution".....

Lets see what communism is.

In modern usage, the term Communism (written with a capital C) is applied to the movement that aims to overthrow the capitalist order by revolutionary means and to establish a classless society in which all goods will be socially owned.

Let me see if I have this right anyone who wants change even if it takes a revolution is a communist?

If we are tired of the government taking away our rights, giving the green light to warrentless searches, taxing us to death, trying to control what we do and even who the hell we sleep with then WE are communists?

I was killing communists before you were born most likely and the ones in office now are looking awful familar

[Edited on 4-4-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Amuk
Let me see if I have this right anyone who wants change even if it takes a revolution is a communist?

If we are tired of the government taking away our rights, giving the green light to warrentless searches, taxing us to death, trying to control what we do and even who the hell we sleep with then WE are communists?

I was killing communists before you were born most likely and the ones in office now are looking awful familar

[Edited on 4-4-2004 by Amuk]

Thank you, you beat me to it.

So let me get this straight, if we don't agree with you we're...COMMUNISTS!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my, you don't sink lower than that.

Revolution does not = communism, there have been revolutions to over throw communism you know? This is ignorance to the point of offensive.

"Countries need a way to "check and balance" government, so that noone will ever have "absolute power""

If communism is idealistic then what is this? This is not possible because you have given the government the RIGHT to keep secrets, whether it be war secrets, inside secrets e.t.c. Because of this how do WE get to decide what is a true secret and what is a LIE they want to keep secret? We don't!!!
This is why this could not work, and because of this is why ALL governments, no matter what ideals, will become corrupt.

Eventually revolution is the only action left to take back what has been stolen from you, to put back your actual ideals. Eventually they will become corrupt again, then it is time to strike back once more.
Shouldn't this be the duty of everyone that truly loves their country and wants it to be un-corrupt?

[Edited on 4-4-2004 by John Nada]

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 11:46 AM
Amuk, John, it looks as if Muaddib has got his bases covered calling a liberal, a libertarian, and a conservative all communists.

Geez boy-o, who's left then?

Revolution can be done in many ways.

Oh, by the way, nice Dune reference Muad dib. That's a pretty lofty name you have there.

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 11:49 AM
Good thing I'm a constitutionalist. Let's see some sorry good-for-nothing malcontent call me a pinko-communist!

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Good thing I'm a constitutionalist. Let's see some sorry good-for-nothing malcontent call me a pinko-communist!


I'm glad we are all in agreement here then...

posted on Apr, 4 2004 @ 11:36 PM
So, you think that the Revolutionary War started Communism in this country. News to me. I better move then, cause I don't want my daughter brought up in a Communist nation. Hmmm...where's the suitcase?

regs out...

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Good thing I'm a constitutionalist. Let's see some sorry good-for-nothing malcontent call me a pinko-communist!

Would it be cool if I call you, Thomas, Professor SillyPants and, Colonel, Mr. PickleJuice? It seems like it would make your arguing seem more like the slapstick humor that it actually is.

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