Hey I wonder if the history NuNu was talking about is the Illumita. They seem to be in control of our presidents by other like cults such as the skull
and cross bones and the masons. Their beliefs are said to come from egypt...also if you translate the word evil from the old hebrew OT with a hebrew
lexocon the word evil is pronouce Ra. Wasnt thier a sun god named Ra? Now this was the time when god's choose people were in egypt when they spoke of
an evil named Ra. If you study the illumita/skulls and cross bones and masons it will all lead to worshing other deities and they will be tied
together coming out of egypt. I believe you ghost...times will get better for a little while and then get really bad and their is something in the
bible that says Jesus will call us by name and when we hear him we will come. Its a shame I can not email being a noob...but I have alot of infomation
that ties what has happened to you to the bible, if your looking for answers.