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You better watch this

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posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 11:43 AM
Go to this page...... Half way through you will find two choices of media players to watch this video...

Within this video is evidence about 911, martial law, the us governments plant, ect....

He does has evidence to connect the government to the horrendous acts that were put on the American people...

There are also commentaries on the site about what people think about Jones.

There is some weird things to this...
Is he part of the NWO?

I don't know, but this is an interesting video to say the least.

Please watch this...
[Edited on 30-3-2004 by TrueLies]

[Edited on 30-3-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 11:56 AM
Hi TrueLies.

Would you mind editing to include in your post a lil sumin sumin about what people are clicking?

My crappy dial up got "buffering" for about 5 minutes then gave up. Maybe tell people a little something about the subject and content...

More than just a link please.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 11:57 AM
What people are saying-----Propaganda or infowars?

Some true facts........ Some odd points......... Is this guy part of the nwo?

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 11:58 AM
i tried the link too and got nothing
so i couldn't watch whatever it is or was.

no worked...pc is just slow i guess.. very disturbing..that's all i got say!!

[Edited on 3-30-2004 by worldwatcher]

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:03 PM
Some weird points one guy had to say about this.

I currently see the globalists doing several things at once to bring on martial law. Alex Jones appeals to the emotions in such a way that it nightly attempts to spawn a Thoreauvian civil disobedience: this may contribute to the conditions the New World Order desires for bringing in martial law.

Unlike many researchers I have known, Jones is not a team player and doesn't want to be. He has isolated himself from the ring of other researchers and this strikes me as odd. I merely mentioned on his show one time that my good friend, Al Cuppett, Joint Chiefs of Staff High Security Evaluations, called me to tell me his retired general friend spoke with Rumsfeld in the White House. The general asked Rumsfeld what would happen if the U.S. was attacked, as almost no troops are left here; Rumsfeld said, "We'll just have to bring in the UN troops," which was their plan all along. When I said this on the radio show as a confirmation of what Jones had been saying, Jones immediately flew into a near-rage that someone else had revealed this! Strongly implying HIS credibility was more important! This, ironically, is dictatorial.

Rick, you had a very, very important point when you said, "Appears to me that he will sound the alarm and just want us to cringe in fear, with no answer. If this is the case, he is doing exactly what the Controllers want. How is that Alex Jones is on over 100 stations nationwide but very few others in the movement are?" The NWO social engineers at Tavistock Institute, for example, know people can only be manipulated through fear. Jones gives plenty of this! The nightly consolations and exhortations from the Bible are not there. Interestingly, no professionals who are Christians, that I know, can relate to Jones as Christians "in spirit." The chemistry doesn't exist.

American patriots are at a peculiar disadvantage to not be able to read all the communist weekly and monthly literature in Canada and compare it to Jones' world view. Because the comparisons and sentiments are certainly there. Remember, the communists made a habit of forming "opposing groups" just so they would see who would join. Today, the KGB head with Homeland Security can easily detect all the listeners to Alex Jones over the Internet and record a database. I say this as a former Senior Advisor to Hewlett-Packard.


posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:06 PM
I could not get the links to work either. I think that I have seen this video before though, I possibly saved it on my pc at home, I will check tonight.

interesting stuff though !

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:08 PM
What government said about FAKE TERROR

"..When it becomes necessary for us to strengthen the strict measures of secret defence (the most fatal poison for the prestige of authority) we shall arrange a simulation of disorders, or some manifestation of discontents finding expression through the co-operation of good speakers. Round these speakers will assemble all who are sympathetic to his utterances. This will give us the pretext for domiciliary perquisitions (diligent searches) and surveillance on the part of our servants from among the number of the goyim police...." - Protocol 18:1


posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:37 PM
I have researched 911 extensively.
Alex Jones' movie '911, The Road to Tyranny'
Is a very informative piece, but i do tend to
think he has more of an agenda than just warning
the people. Perhaps its to spread fear, perhaps its
to amass a data-base of all the dissidents that purchase his material, who knows.
I personally have verified most everything he says, and in doing so have discovered that sometimes he misleads the viewer, but i have yet to catch him in a lie.
I have atleast 50 sites that all show high level complicity reguarding 911.
I have said it before and i will say it untill i am no longer able to speak, 911 was an INSIDE JOB.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 12:44 PM
.................It's hard to know what to say. I don't want to believe it......but it's hard not to

At the very least, there is SOMEthing happening. This just confirms my feelings further that the American people are in trouble.......

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 03:15 PM
Here is some quotes for those who do not think about what is happening right under their noses:

The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a great lie than to a small one.-Adolf Hitler.
What luck for rulers that men do not think.-Adolf Hitler.

I can't believe people in the United States refuse to even think about what is happening in their own country. Like I said before, Bin Laden is G. W. Bush's partner:

eople still rather would sit in front of their TV box and watch the next episode of Friends.

Anyway, I don't sleep with all these covert operations designed to enslave humanity and I never will.

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by aware
I have researched 911 extensively.
...I have atleast 50 sites that all show high level complicity reguarding 911.
I have said it before and i will say it untill i am no longer able to speak, 911 was an INSIDE JOB.

My question, how high up does the complicity go? Are we talking the President & Cabinet? Or ware we talking higher than that, those who really rule?
Any link would be helpful. I appreciate benefitting from your research on this. u2u if you feel it necessary!

posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Within this video is evidence about 911, martial law, the us governments plant, ect....

This link works for me. It is almost 2.5 hours long? I'll try to see it tomorrow, and hope my eyes hold up.
Thanks, true lies

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 09:15 PM
Download and watch off line the 'rm' file rather than the 'ram' if your having trouble watching a stream.

Defintley worth watching.

If they let Pearl Harbour happen why not 9/11? The precedent is set, it seems likely to me given the evidence and motive ie as justification to carry out the plans they've been longing for (Iraq, Increased military budget, WWIII?, and of course the police state Patriot acts 1 & 2)

The other good video on 9/11 is "The truth and lies about 9/11" by a former LAPD detective who was a whistleblower
on the CIA's flooding of America with coc aine in the '80s.
Heres a download:
public...:[email protected]/vidds/docfilm/Truth_and_Lies_of_9-11_Part%20IV%20of%20IV.wmv

A load of other videos you might find interesting:

Oh and True lies, you mentioned in another thread about wanting to know more about the Fed heres a great Factual video from the above link, "Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve" this is from a respected economic institute, its not even "conspiracy" but covers the absurdity of the system.
Direct download:

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:20 PM
That tape was some serious paranoid BS!

Did William Cooper produce that before he passed?

I have seen alot of people around here claiming 911 was some kind of NWO plot.....I have yet to see convincing evidence. Not one person has been able to back it up outside of pseudo science/internet rumor BS.

People I knew died in those attacks.....I will willingly listen to whatever theory is put up as long as there is actual PROOF! Not some paranoid childish #e. Grow up and show some respect for the dead.

To the people who put that stuff up on here, no offense at all to you but give me actual, factual proof!

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:36 PM
You'll have to forgive me because im no good with links.
I will just have to give you some things to look into on your own facefirst.
Military-industrial complex speech by Eisenhower.
what do YOU think he was talking about, or was he just BSing?
Operation Northwoods-government document. Black and white. Read it. Its pretty clear.
2 plus 2 make 4, in my book.
Check out THIS site.
U2 me if you so desire.
I can understand ur anger, but it is misplaced my friend.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by aware]

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by aware]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by aware
You'll have to forgive me because im no good with links.
I will just have to give you some things to look into on your own facefirst.
Military-industrial complex speech by Eisenhower.
what do YOU think he was talking about, or was he just BSing?
Operation Northwoods-government document. Black and white. Read it. Its pretty clear.
2 plus 2 make 4, in my book.
Check out THIS site.
U2 me if you so desire.
I can understand ur anger, but it is misplaced my friend.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by aware]

I have looked into my own. I have watched the Eisenhower farewell speech several times......great stuff. But it does not have anything to do with 911. Ike's speech was almost 30 years pre-911. It does not prove anything.
I will check out the site you posted and get back to you later.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Facefirst
That tape was some serious paranoid BS!

Did William Cooper produce that before he passed?

I have seen alot of people around here claiming 911 was some kind of NWO plot.....I have yet to see convincing evidence. Not one person has been able to back it up outside of pseudo science/internet rumor BS.

People I knew died in those attacks.....I will willingly listen to whatever theory is put up as long as there is actual PROOF! Not some paranoid childish #e. Grow up and show some respect for the dead.

To the people who put that stuff up on here, no offense at all to you but give me actual, factual proof!

take a look for yourself, if you look at melting points produced by carbon based fires they don't add up at the pentagon or the world trade center buildings. i guess you believe okc too?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by razorbackhater

Originally posted by Facefirst
That tape was some serious paranoid BS!

Did William Cooper produce that before he passed?

I have seen alot of people around here claiming 911 was some kind of NWO plot.....I have yet to see convincing evidence. Not one person has been able to back it up outside of pseudo science/internet rumor BS.

People I knew died in those attacks.....I will willingly listen to whatever theory is put up as long as there is actual PROOF! Not some paranoid childish #e. Grow up and show some respect for the dead.

To the people who put that stuff up on here, no offense at all to you but give me actual, factual proof!

take a look for yourself, if you look at melting points produced by carbon based fires they don't add up at the pentagon or the world trade center buildings. i guess you believe okc too?

Having been to OKC several times and having grown up around the WTC, I tend to believe that they were actual terror attacks.

Until you guys have actual hard-core proof and not some BS internet rumors, you should as I said, show some respect for the dead. Show me an actual smoking gun before you make those kinds of claims.

peace out.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 08:27 AM
interesting point about good 'ol a. jones and how many radio stations he is on...the govt has dis-information fronts all the time....

as for all those who want hard evidence that 911 was not an al-queda attack...the evidence is there..just spend a few days referencing stuff. there is more evidence to suggest that 911 did not happen the way the govt says it did...THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACT TO REALIZE!! the only 'evidence' for the govts story is the govts 'word'....just look at how much the govt has mis lead us..what is the govts 'word' worth now..NOTHING there are volumes of evidence that supports the fact that 911 did not happen the way the govt says it did. the govt stands by it first story and doesn't say anything more about it, why..because that is the best way to difuse this situation....if they don't say anything the govt wont get caught in MORE lies...
i am not sure what happened on 911 but the one fact i am sure of is that THE GOVT IS LYING

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 10:09 AM
I'll admit some of these guys are dramam queens, but when you have proof about 9/ 11 you can't discredit the issue.

When the government doesn't have proof about what they say, but they are serious looking, and straight edged, then you can believe them?
They are "acting" Both parties are acting, but when there is proof on papers, it's scary stuff. Don't dismiss it because these guys are drama queens.

Rice doesn't even want to testify, and now that she is, she the commission all of a sudden has a set of rules they have to go by, and they will only give the comish x amount of time, and they have to be asked in a private room?
If they had nothing to hide, they would say sure, we would love to, here's our proof here here and here, this is the info we got, and we're not lying...

But they are trying to cover their asses...

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