posted on Mar, 30 2004 @ 05:35 PM
Here are some interesting quotations from this writing:
"The Knights Templar were an communist organization symbolized by the two knights riding one horse. Each initiate had to give up all wealth,
property, and worldly goods to the Order. Each performed according to his ability and received according to the need of his position within the order.
They were pledged to absolute and unquestioning obedience to their superior Knight or knights, the Grand Master, and the Order. In that respect every
knight and every piece of property, all wealth, was totally owned and controlled by the Order."
" Very simply the Luciferian philosophy is, "Adam and Eve were held prisoner in the bonds of ignorance by an unjust and vindictive God in the Garden
of Eden. They were set free from their chains (Evolution through "Primordial Knowing") by Lucifer (Prometheus) through his agent Satan in the guise
of a serpent (ancient symbol of Wisdom) with the gift of Intellect (Fire). Through the use of his intellect man will perfect the race (Anglo/Aryan)
and will himself become God (promise of Satan to Adam and Eve)." Any religion, church, organization, or People who believe they are God, will become
God, or are becoming God is practicing the Luciferian philosophy of the Mystery Schools, and are acting in furtherance of the conspiracy.
"The plan for the creation of a socialist world government is protected by an artificial extraterrestrial threat from space. The entire UFO
phenomenon and the uFOOLogy movement has been created to further the protection and activation of the plan.
Within MAJESTYTWELVE is Operation Majority justifying the plan by presenting an extraterrestrial threat as the reason for the necessity for world
government ala "Who speaks for planet Earth... Argentina?" Exactly the manner in which Stanton T. Friedman ends his UFOs Are Real lectures.
Operation Majority is named after the original Bolshevik party which sparked the Russian Revolution. Bolshevik means the majority. The plan claims
that if the American people are ever told of this extraterrestrial presence aliens will destroy the United States. All who have access to the plan or
who inadvertently discover the plan are silenced by that warning. They believe in the government and thus believe the extraterrestrial lie. These
dupes do not know that the Illuminati are the aliens who plan to destroy the United States of America in any event."