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ARea 51-Hoax

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posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 06:41 PM
All the top secret from area 51 has been moved. If there where alien there, they are not there now. The palce is to popular. They have youst things like aurora which not so top secret eneymore. But there is no prove that area 51 have aliens. I doent think they have.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Heres a scenario for everybody...

Lets say you have something you desperately want to conceal and you know that certain snooping people are going to want to try and find it. For this posts sake we will call our maximum secret object a TSW (top secret widget). Do you:

A. Create a supersecret place to hide it where after a while people start wondering why that certain place is so hush hush.

B. Hide it someplace in plain view knowing that a lot of people will pass right over the hotspot because it does not look suspicious.

C. Create a supersecret place and not hide your TSW there but someplace else and let all the attention focused on the supersecret place deflect attention from the original hiding spot.

Now apply this to the whole arguement to any ultra-secret projects that you may have heard about happening at A51.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 09:54 PM
Spiderj said

I believe that if there were ufos at area 51 they were certainly moved to another and more secure facility a long time ago.

Oh????? okay I'll just ignore those funny shaped objects flying over my house.

And by the way....... THERE IS NO OTHER FACILITY AS SECURE... AS is AREA 51. And you can take that to the bank!

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Disastro
Heres a scenario for everybody...

B. Hide it someplace in plain view knowing that a lot of people will pass right over the hotspot because it does not look suspicious.

Like the Wright Patterson Complex?

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 11:54 PM
So they want u to think making up stories of U.F.Os and Aliens would draw attention away from there secret base
I would fire who ever thought up that plan it has made one of the most secret bases in america a house hold name. If they just said this is a base where we design and test top secret planes it wouldnt get a tenth of the people interested in it.Im not saying there is aliens or ufos out there Im just saying that had to be the worst missinformation plan ever.

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 11:57 PM

Oh????? okay I'll just ignore those funny shaped objects flying over my house.
And by the way....... THERE IS NO OTHER FACILITY AS SECURE... AS is AREA 51. And you can take that to the bank!

Sure that we know of.

The funny shaped objects over your head are airplanes, unless they land and ask if you're into probing, in which case duck and cover.


posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 12:37 AM
Oh????? okay I'll just ignore those funny shaped objects flying over my house.

And by the way....... THERE IS NO OTHER FACILITY AS SECURE... AS is AREA 51. And you can take that to the bank!

No other facility as secure as area 51, have you ever heard of fort knox
i dont know if its a facility but i know dam sure its just as secure as area 51

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by CookieMonster000
i said this a gajillion times before....they would move the frigging aliens out if we ever got suspicious you #ing idiots

Wait a minute... Is this the cookiemonster? It would seem so, by the looks of this reply.

Here we go...

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 08:04 PM
Does anyone have S4 base pics?

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Area 51 caretaker

Area 51? Hoax? Ha...I have seen things you wouldn't imagine there....spooky.....The security breach is based on one factor...tresspassing...the use of lethal weapons is authorized....but not after sworn in and enough money to pay the tresspassing fine, little do they know the photography that i caught and the INFO I brought back was enough for the measly Two hours i got before getting swarmed by security like mad yellow jackets....little do they know...i got what they never wanted to give....thats all i will say for now...

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 03:27 PM
Its amazing that more than 2 people responded to this thread. Here we have a new member posting his first thread and he cannot even spell the word 'alien' correctly, or even use periods to show us his sentence has ended. His laziness and sheer lack of motivation to communicate his post does not dignify a response. If only the standards were a bit higher here, we could have a truly revolutionary forum. Instead we are forced to dig thru heaps of dung threads like this to get to the meat. Well, this time, I'm bringing my fork to the table, but its not for eating.

[edit on 21-8-2008 by NightVision]

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