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Members of Israeli Spy Ring 'Related to 9/11 Hijacker'

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posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 08:34 AM

BEIRUT: Two men arrested for running an Israeli spy ring in the Bekaa Valley are relatives of a suicide hijacker who piloted a plane in the September 11, 2001, attacks, a security source told The Daily Star on Sunday. The Lebanese Army announced on Saturday that it had arrested two people suspected of involvement with a spy network that gathered information for Israel's intelligence services.

Click this LINK for more information on the Israeli Spy ring who were at the attacks sites on 911, before and after.

This exerpt is from the above news article.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the source said the men are relatives of Ziad Jarrah, the Lebanese who helped commandeer United Airlines Flight 93 before it crashed into a Pennsylvania field on September 11, 2001, killing everyone on board. Jarrah's family is from the town of Al-Marej in the Bekaa Valley, where the arrests took place.

The Jarrah family have repeatedly denied that Ziad was part of the September 11 plot, claiming he was instead a innocent passenger on the plane, but an official investigation concluded that he was a senior member of the hijacking team who had undergone flight training in order to carry out the attacks.

Residents of Al-Marej told As-Safir newspaper that the men were arrested when security forces raided a home in the town and seized equipment from a car. The newspaper said investigators had found documents which prove that the men had been in contact with Israeli intelligence agents

Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." --
US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

[edit on 4-11-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 09:23 AM
And? Sounds like some sort of massive civil war or something. On a global scale, even.

This is a direct consequence of dogmatic retribution ideology. Whether death is the punishment or not, these rogue vigilante fools take upon themselves of causing strife like a teenager does...tons of people fall into that trap, eh?

Think "legal system". People "gotta believe in somethin' " so who really clings to guns and religion (dogma)?
But whatever, I am not innocent of discriminating due to my own gel like belief systems...

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Sounds to me like we're looking for a reason to go in there. Then spend 10 years, trillions of dollars, and have over 4,000 of our troops die after the war is declared "over".

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

This story has been confirmed. There was a series of videos just released and can be foound in this forum.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 09:04 PM
I recently watched an interview w/ some israeli men who were arrested at the time the towers went down because of their suspicious behaviour (which allegedly included video taping the events, clapping rather than acting in shock, blah blah). the interview was very telling. They said they were there to document the event and that they felt it was a good thing it happened because now we "americans" would understand what they were dealing with concerning terrorism.

Ironic thing to me is that it is the zionist movement, largely focused on enforcing the state of israel and obtaining the land at the expense of a people that have been living on the land for centuries in relative peace w/ the jews (and those jews of integrity are stating the very same thing), that have caused much of the turmoil facing the world in the latter part of the last century and thus far, all of this century.

While I doubt that things on 9/11 weren't carried out as they have been portrayed, I think that there has been much deception about the catalysts leading up to the events. If only ppl could get past their ridiculous theories about "no planes", fly overs, spaceships laser beaming the towers, etc and focus on some of these very real facts of deception.... maybe then we could actually get to the meat of the situation and weed out the corrupt and greedy men that have been allowed to play on the world stage far too long.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

While I doubt that things on 9/11 weren't carried out as they have been portrayed, I think that there has been much deception about the catalysts leading up to the events.

so, i welcome another realist.....welcome

If only ppl could get past their ridiculous theories about "no planes", [...] and focus on some of these very real facts of deception.... maybe then we could actually get to the meat of the situation and weed out the corrupt and greedy men that have been allowed to play on the world stage far too long.

yep.... but we'd have to go back 39 years 6 months ago...
that's when the person of interest, poising as a backpacker fresh out of the Bethesda Brain Research Lab... was afforded temporary sanctuary at the 18th Street & Swann Avenue NW, safe-house operated by the then 'Washington Free Press'
The 25ish middle-eastern man, heard one of the communes free wheeling story sessions... immediately got up & left for a urgent meeting...
we all suspected the local Israeli spy HQ..
And this presumed 'agent' retold the tale; which became the week of 9-11, with 3 targets, planes commandeered by Arabs with plastic knives... and a neo-nazi sending some Ft Deitrich manufactured Anthrax through the postal system using a NJ mailbox

Of course, all this is still thought of as a non-credible lead.
A dead-End?, pehaps it is ...
perhaps it is only an imagined history, created within a conspiratory mind...
but perhaps it isn't...
and self appointed group, illuminated personel as-it-were, actually undertook the challenge of accomplishing the impossible story ...
But, at a convienent time lag from the storys initiation in June '69 up in washington DC, until the infamous event on Sept 11th, 2001 @ WTC & Pentagon

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