posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 06:04 PM
I have DDRMAX and DDRMAX2 for PS2 and DDR UltraMix for XBOX. I've been playing DDR since June '02. Weight loss has been negligable with myself b/c I
don't play EVERYDAY. Unlike my cousin Sean, who has lost over 20 pounds thanks to DDR!
I now make an effort to play everyday in hopes that I lose as much weight as my cousin. He's sorta like an inspiration to me.
If you HAVE TO BUY a DDR game for PS2, get DDRMAX. While DDRMAX2 may be newer, it's DEFINITELY not better. DDRMAX has more of the genuine songs from
the DDR series than MAX2, which has more real-life songs to it.
If you have only a PlayStation, get Dance Dance Revolution Konamix. (DDR Konamix)
If you only have an XBOX, get Dance Dance Revolution UltraMix. (DDR UltraMix) Pretty much because that is the ONLY DDR game for XBOX.
If you have any questions about DDR, please U2U me. I'll be happy to answer them.