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Suppression of Clean Energy

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posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 03:32 AM
Hello everyone! I am sorry if this has already been posted, and I am also sorry I don't know how to do any more than post the web address. I am something of a HTML moron.....

Anyway, this is an article that EVERYONE needs to read. I really wish I knew how to make a clickable link........

This article is about the suppression of clean energy sources by the US government. Read it.

Edited to add: Wow! ATS made it a link without me doing anything. Cool!

[edit on 4-11-2008 by Malakai Mnemerah]

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 04:47 AM
Excelent article, and just more fuel to the fire of group awareness. We are being lied to. We are being economically enslaved to centralised and enviromentally unfriendly technology. We are being cut short of our technological potential, in the name of economic interests that then go and fund warfare and do their best to harm mankind and reduce our populations, both in number and in wealth.

The truth is there is a wealth of clean and abundant energy tech. The amount of solar energy that falls on the earth in one hour at midday could fuel our entire civilization for years, nature always overcompensates. And none of this is going into zero point and the more exotic tech. None of this is going into the hazzards of nuclear tech. It's all about the water. It's all about the sun. It's all about denying ignorance.

Educate yourselves on the patents currently being held regarding energy and it becomes clear this is all one big scam.

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