posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:23 PM
We have got to poke holes in the 2-party system... we can't roll over and give up; a vote of conscience is a real vote !! what has happened to our
Baldwin is the only one on the ballot willing to support an independent and transparent investigation into 911 -- and demands an overhaul of the
federal reserve system and the IRS -- he's also the only one with the guts to talk out against the New World Order (the term that daddy Bush used
during his state of the union address, and no one batted an eye) -- McKinney, to her credit, has been a 911 truther for years, but she's not ready to
take on the monetary system this stage, everything else is pointless..
I've not heard or read anything from the Baldwin camp opposing gay rights; constitution party is all about civil liberties, and that includes
everyone; it may be on their platform list, but I'm telling you, it's all about the constitution; Baldwin has also explained clearly that it would
be foolish for a religious man like himself to be anti-separation-of-church-and-state and pro-theocracy; he doesn't want anyone telling him how to
run his spiritual life, and he wouldn't impose upon anyone else; therefore, it would be my understanding that under his principles, denying anyone
the ability to marry anyone else would be unconstitutional; besides, he could be pursuaded on certain issues..
what's really important right now is 911 and the Federal Reserve, because these 2 things can pull the house of cards down from it's base; nothing
else can do it..
we've got to go with Baldwin !! I'm not a Christian, and I am definitely pro-choice, pro-gay-rights and women's-rights, etc. but I'm backing
the 2-party system has to be overthrown... I know he can't win this time around, but we've got to make a statement !!!
our country is going down the toilet; we've got to take it back..