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Make A Statement !! Support Chuck Baldwin !!

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posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:23 PM
We have got to poke holes in the 2-party system... we can't roll over and give up; a vote of conscience is a real vote !! what has happened to our country?

Baldwin is the only one on the ballot willing to support an independent and transparent investigation into 911 -- and demands an overhaul of the federal reserve system and the IRS -- he's also the only one with the guts to talk out against the New World Order (the term that daddy Bush used during his state of the union address, and no one batted an eye) -- McKinney, to her credit, has been a 911 truther for years, but she's not ready to take on the monetary system this stage, everything else is pointless..

I've not heard or read anything from the Baldwin camp opposing gay rights; constitution party is all about civil liberties, and that includes everyone; it may be on their platform list, but I'm telling you, it's all about the constitution; Baldwin has also explained clearly that it would be foolish for a religious man like himself to be anti-separation-of-church-and-state and pro-theocracy; he doesn't want anyone telling him how to run his spiritual life, and he wouldn't impose upon anyone else; therefore, it would be my understanding that under his principles, denying anyone the ability to marry anyone else would be unconstitutional; besides, he could be pursuaded on certain issues..

what's really important right now is 911 and the Federal Reserve, because these 2 things can pull the house of cards down from it's base; nothing else can do it..

we've got to go with Baldwin !! I'm not a Christian, and I am definitely pro-choice, pro-gay-rights and women's-rights, etc. but I'm backing Baldwin..

the 2-party system has to be overthrown... I know he can't win this time around, but we've got to make a statement !!!

our country is going down the toilet; we've got to take it back..

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:35 PM
I have been saying this to my friends for a while. While they agree with Chucks stances, none of them are willing to vote for anyone but Obama, for fer that anyhting else will allow Mccain to get into office, and they don't want that.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:40 PM
McCain will take the office. He will win by hook or crook, it is the new old order way.

The rioting in the streets will not be the Republicans going crazy for their loss, for their tax breaks going south, no it will be the poor and the inner city sheeple that see Obama as their last great hope for dignity and a change for the better.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:48 PM
Im voting for baldwin. I tell people about him and they agree with him but they think voting 3rd party is a wasted vote. I said a wasted vote is voting for someone that doesnt stand for what you do, but they still going to vote obama.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:51 PM
Yep I'm voting Baldwin and so is my wife.. and others i know also.. because they don't like the other choices and agree government needs to be accountable.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:18 PM
I voted for him here on ATS.... I am fighting the urge not too when I enter the booth, and at the present time I am not 100% sure about what I will do. I probably won't sleep tonight and will feel guilty about whoever I give my vote to. AAAAARRRRGGGHH.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:27 PM
my friend..

there can be no guilt about choosing with your heart, conscience, and principles; this election is about taking a stand and making a statement; we know we can't get Baldwin in the white house this year; but we can still send a message...

it's so important... we are this country, not those criminals in power...

no guilt... pull the lever..

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by volitionawareness
we've got to go with Baldwin !! I'm not a Christian, and I am definitely pro-choice, pro-gay-rights and women's-rights, etc. but I'm backing Baldwin..

Baldwin is hardcore Christian. In an extreme fundamentalist kinda way.

He is hardcore pro-life, and anti-gay.

Baldwin does not believe in separation of Church and State at all.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:35 PM
I made up my mind several weeks ago that I would vote for the Constitution Party. I am not going to vote for the "lesser of two evils" anymore, since the lesser of two evils, is still evil. It is time to stand up and let the politicians know that there are enough of us that believe in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights, strongly enough to vote our beliefs.
I have no illusion that a third party can win the Presidency, but if enough people vote for it, they will not be able to ignore them in the future. Wars aren't won in the first battle. It took a long time to destroy our Constitution and it will be a long struggle to restore it to its' place.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 09:36 PM
This issue is already being discussed in an existing thread:
Chuck Baldwin: Platform and Stance Issues

Please continue the discussion there.

Thread closed.

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