posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 03:24 AM
Ha ha, I have been thinking just the opposite lately.
In Noah's day everyone was destroyed by a very angry God except one fellow, his family, and his remarkably large collection of pets. But God
promised Noah he would never again destroy the world.
This time there will be many survivors, but those that do not love and acknowledge God are in for a bad time.
Now I am not really into satanism, and the "crafts", that is mostly witchcraft for the girls, and freemasonry for the boys, but it seems to me that
about 95% of the guys I know and work with are heavily into freemasonry. Maybe I am unlucky, but that is the way it is.
I wonder how many women actually practice witchcraft or belong to a satanic cult ? Any ATS ladies like to comment on this, I would really love to
If God gets really cheesed of and wipes out all the black hats with their masonic aprons, secret symbols, and black cats, it should be rather
There might be rather more women come out of this than men. And that would be an interesting outcome.