posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 05:34 PM
[snip] it is but it tickles me so it is from now on!!!
had a link sent to me by a mate,looks an interesting site with lots of canny stuff to get stuck into!
the only limits are those which we set ourselves basically sums up how I feel about stuff. Cliched and stolen but it will do for now,keep it simple
and easy hahaha!
Hate all small mindedness in whatever shape of form it comes a good argument I mean debate about interesting stuff tho and basically I go
with the way at present that unless the cycle is broken then the whole shebam thing will go on as it is. So stepping out into the void and beyond to
me is the way forward but this seems to be the tricky bit.All tips greatly appreciated!!!
I see the conspiracy thing as another mind trap regardless of the truths weaved in it (same a science/religion etc). To me its all about the patterns
and links etc.
[Snip] exploitation and misery on all levels whatever the levels,dont care, no need for any of it!
Looking forward to reading and posting!
nite nite!!!
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[edit on 3/11/08 by JAK]