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Welcome to the Starship Heart of Gold

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posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:53 AM
Welcome to the Starship Heart of Gold. That's right climb aboard and engage the improbability drive to see where in the Galaxy it will take us next. This thread is just for fun. If you don't know what I am talking about, you probably never read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. In the book the protagonist Aurthur Dent and his friend Ford Prefect end up on the Starship Heart of Gold, that is being piloted by Zaphod Beeblebrox and Trillian, moments after the Earth is blown up. When they engaged the improbability drive it would put them at all places in the universe at once and then to a random planet if they didn't have the right improbability calculations of going the planet you wanted. Also it would change the ship and the occupants until normality was restored. They could be made of yarn, or turn into a couch, or be a space ship themselves.

What this thread is, is what would happen if you pressed it. Make up your own planet. Tell us the name of the planet. What it is known for. What its people look like. Plus, tell us what happened to you and the ship until normality was restored.

Well guys, lets have fun and get ready to travel, Remember, DON'T PANIC, and don't for get your towel.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:02 AM
After I engaged the improbability drive, I found myself at the plant Digstrome 3. It is a planet of paranoid people who resemble groundhogs. Most of them spend there lived in there underground caverns and underground city, because the site of their own shadow could literally scare them so much it would kill them, or send them running back in to the city yelling and screaming that would scare others and cause a massive panic.

Now when I pressed the drive and upon getting there, the ship turned into a giant park. As for me and the crew, we were all changed in swings. While waiting for normality to resume we were road by school children. One stuck their gum on me. Yuck.


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