posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 01:06 AM
For this election season to be over?
For the campaigning to be over?
For the questions about Obama's birth certificate to be over?
For the questions about Palin's intelligence to be over?
For the entertainment of Biden's gaffes to be over?
For the questions of McCains temperment to be over?
For the endless threads about the above on ATS to be over?
For the endless discussions about the media's left-wing bias towards Obama and Biden to be over? And, their cover-ups of their problems while going
on and on and on about McCain and Palin's?
For the endless discussions about Fox News' bias towards McCain and Palin?
There are issues in this election, folks, real issues. And, instead of discussing those at length, all of the above is discussed at length....and ad
I realize that there is a lot of entertainment value in this election, but whoever gets elected is going to impact all of our lives.....and instead of
talking about that, big ears, terrorist ties, foot-in-mouth problems, ageism, past associations, birth locations, inexperience, and finger pointing
seems to rule the stage.
It's old and I am so glad there's only a few days left.