posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:31 PM
Earlier in the year, I recall that Alex Jones of started a Money Bomb, in order to raise funds to build a state-of-the-art
television/radio station. I believe the requested sum was in the order of $10 million.
As my memory serves Mr Jones had details of this collection on his website for a number of days and that at least half a million dollars was collected
when I last looked at his site.
However, since that time, I have not heard about the end total of this money drive. Nor have I heard if Mr Jones is planning on actually building this
state-of-the-art studio he suggested he would.
So, can any of my fellow ATS members shed some light on just how far Mr Jones got with his plan.
Also, assuming Mr Jones is running his news agency as a profit generating organisation, would it seem somewhat hypocritical that he is such a vehement
defender of free markets and people's rights, yet requires people to send him money in order to build a profit generating radio/television station
and offer nothing in return?
I for one would be keen to hear what my fellow ATS members have to say about the issue.