Oh man, this is wonderful news! Truely great times for America. Obama will restore the Constitution and stop strong arming the Judicial branch. I
am so proud of the fact that America will have a President once again that we can be pround of!
Pretty funny how much respect the Libs are showing towards Reagan Republicans. Guess this shows the lack of respectfulness in the figureheads of their
own party. Gotta agree when you have the likes of Murtha, Pelosi, and Reid to look up to.
The man said he took his cue from Colin Powell's change of heart and called it the "Good housekeeping" seal for Obama as president. Except the fact
is he bought into the media snowjob telling people that Powell didn't make the decision based on Obama's skin color when we all know that's exactly
why he did it.
At first I didn't believe Powell shifted gears because of racial affiliation either, but you have to admit that the argument Limbaugh made on that
turn of events made some sense and cast severe doubt on his "good natured" intentions.
Why then do you suppose the son of the beloved Ronald Reagan just endorsed Obama? How did Rush Limbaugh try and spin that one into the earth.
Clearly it's about race; give me a break! The only ones buying that are the right wing and Limbaugh brethren.