posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 11:54 PM
Imagine that at 12:00 AM on January 1, 2009 America will be peacefully partitioned with the stroke of a pen in a similar fashion to
the Partitioning of India in 1947 into two new countries - The United
States of Conservatives and the United States of Liberals. The USC would be governed exclusively by conservative principles and the USL would be
governed exclusively by liberal principles. In the USC there would be no welfare for anyone - corporations or citizens; in the USL there would be
safety nets underneath safety nets for everyone, etc. There would be no debate.
If you were a liberal living in what would become the USC or a conservativie living in what would become the USL on 1/1/09, would you move to the
other country? Would you change the place you live to be in a country of like minded individuals, based upon the principles you eschew, and only have
to consider minor philosophical compromises?
Do you think there would be a mass migration of liberals and conservatives like Muslims moving to Pakistan and Hindus moving to India before the
Partition was official in 1947?
[edit on 10/31/2008 by sc2099]