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State Police Investigate Fake Election Flyer

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posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 02:48 AM
what proof does anyone have that this was done by a republican? any? I'm pretty sure it was done by a republican, but i have no proof of that. It could have very well been a pissed off Hilary supporter. who knows? we'll never really know.

Don't kid yourself both sides see this as a game to win, the prize is control of the white house for 4 years.

there are to many uneducated voters in this country. I'm Glad that in my state they removed the straight party vote, now the lazy uneducated voters actually have to read the damn ballot, and fill in the circle next to the candidate they want to vote for.

I liked the old punch card ballots better to be honest instead of the fill in the circle paper ballots to be scanned we have now. I guess those people in Florida in 2000 weren't smart enough to pull the chads off the back of the ballots before dropping them in the ballot box, so now we all have to suffer with electronic voting machines.

And about voters not being allowed to vote because their names were close to names of felons, Its the voters responsibility to prove they are eligible to vote not the states. they should have requested a provisional ballot until they could prove they were eligible!

reply to post by BluegrassRevolutionary

using opinions of people is not fact, at the end of the day its still their opinion. no matter who they are.

and while it might take a few years to undo the damage that was done the last 8 years, people could argue that we are still dealing with the mess that Clinton did before Bush came into Office.

Want an example?

This little financial crisis we are in now, the bills that removed all the regulator controls to stop it from happening was passed towards the end of Clinton's 2nd term, and he signed them into law. 1 of them was never debated in either house of congress.

the point is either side can point fingers and say the other party is the cause of all our problems but at the end of the day they both are the same they just have a different name.

reply to post by JaxonRoberts

this type of thing happens all the time it is a joke, do i think the person or persons responsible should go to jail you betchya, will they ? NO!

If a voter is to stupid to know that the presidential and midterm elections are on the 1st Tuesday of even years in November they shouldn't be able to vote in the first place. If they received one of those fliers and they thought it didn't sound right the should call there county clerk to verify the dates!

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Mercenary2007
This little financial crisis we are in now, the bills that removed all the regulator controls to stop it from happening was passed towards the end of Clinton's 2nd term, and he signed them into law. 1 of them was never debated in either house of congress.

the point is either side can point fingers and say the other party is the cause of all our problems but at the end of the day they both are the same they just have a different name.

I will give you that it was not one of Clinton's best moments. However, lets not forget that the bill I assume you are referring to, The Sarbanes-Oxley Modernization Act, was championed by none other than Senator Phil Graham, one of the most powerful Republican senators during the 90s. So, believe me, your point that neither side can be excused of all blame does not fall on def ears.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by marg6043

To us outsiders it may very well be a joke, but for those creating the joke it is a crime as their intent was not to just laugh, it involved fraudulent manipulation of official signage in order to alter election results.

To some people it's a joke when they send official looking mail to my grandmother in order to trick her out of her money because she is no longer as sharp as she once was. Yeah some say she deserves it because she doesn't realize what computers can create and people didn't lie and cheat as much in her day.

Now we have to screen all my grandmothers mail because some people think its okay to take advantage of the weak - if they're that gullible they deserve it right? She had a check last week that had micro print and watermarks on it all she had to do is deposit it and wire the tax portion of her winnings to some agency in Canada.

Nope we don't let her drive anymore, and maybe she's not sharp enough to make a good decision voting, but that's her right as an American so we let her.

I remember a few years back somebody thought it would be funny to pull out a stop sign from an intersection. Low and behold somebody was killed that night, so that people could have their joke, all because they were so smart that they could fool people into following normal procedures and believed the signage. Would it be funny to change some 25mph corners to 50, just so we could laugh at how many idiots don't know how to drive?

I know when I was younger I'd double all the corner caution speed limits for fun, but had I not known their designed speed I probably miss one eventually - It takes a little more of your attention to do so. We can all be tricked when not expecting to have to pay extra attention.

I believe the people should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I also believe we should change the laws and have mandatory 10 year sentences for people caught cheating or manipulating our elections. In my state there has been all kinds of fraud every election and they usually don't even fire the elections workers that are part of the fraud. Anyone at Acorn or anywhere else caught cheating should do 10 years.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by verylowfrequency

When I find any true allegations that a voter has lost his or her rights to vote to a prank or a joke then I will agree with you.

I have been a voter since the 70s until this day I have seen plenty of pranks on elections and plenty of jokes been played around.

Nobody has stop me from voting yet

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by marg6043

You may have not been fooled, or even a target of such a ploy, but these flyers were distributed in low income and thus low educated areas and they are far more susceptable to such a ploy. More can be said to the motive behind such a ploy, and the intention was clearly to sway the election and not just a 'prank' or a 'joke'. In fact, I would put this 'joke' right up there with the Patriot Act in it's intent towards civil liberties.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Yes in America is plenty of dumb and stupid that believes anything.

But that doesn't bother me what it bothers me is how now a joke is tag a criminal act.

God figure, at least stupidity can be cure, the police state is here to stay.

Maybe, but I'm betting that if it said "Republicans vote Wednesday", you'd be singing a different toon.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Well taking into consideration that I consider our nations system of government corrupted and in deep BS what can I say, I blame 8 years of corporate ruled Republican hold for that.

But then again we also have a corporate congress that happens to be democrat.

So I guess I can careless who vote when and where this time around.

Our system is broken and nobody including me had the guts to fix it and take it away from the rats that are hiding in Washington.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Well, I hear ya. It's tough to work within the system if the system is broken down. All I want is a leader I can get behind...remember the good ol' days when you could be proud of your government...on either side of our border? Good luck on Tuesday.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Thanks, I guess this elections will be one to watch as the clowns will be giving their oscar winning perfomance.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 12:01 AM
You guys need to get rid of the 2 party system. We had a Federal Election in Canada in early October. Thank god ours only lasted 6 weeks. The Conservatives pulled out the usual dirty play book and ran smear ads and negative campaign speech's. I personally think major electoral reforms are needed in both countries. Misleading campaigning should be illegal and dealt with harshly and candidates forced to stick to the issues instead of the smearing.

Truthful and honest debate is the only true way to judge a candidate. When we allow this dog & pony show to happen it detracts from our ability to make an educated decision. Some people are more gullible than others and don't do their own homework and believe what the media and candidates feed them with negative attacks. MAJOR ELECTORAL REFORM is the answer.

Good luck America, we're all counting on you to make a smart decision.



posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:04 PM
It's a moot point now! CNN has just announced that Barack Obama is now the President Elect!!!!

And he won Virginia, where these flyers were distributed!

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by BluegrassRevolutionary

Let's not also forget Phil Gramm was at one time a Democrat and maintained his leftist leanings during his Republican years. He also had a strong allegiance to McCain, who is anything but conservative.

PS: Nice tirade BluegrassRevolutionary. Still shooting from the hip. You should revisit some of your previous posts to see if you can pick out your hatred and anger.

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