posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 05:18 PM
Hi all - Im normally a lurker here, so I hope this is in the correct board, if not, feel free to move it as needed.
I got a letter in our mailbox this afternoon that on November 18th, our boro leaders will be coming into all homes within our TINY town for an
"annual inspection". We live in a townhouse and we were informed in the same letter that our landlord (this is a rental property) would be in prior
to this "inspection". Now mind you, this inspection with our borough leaders is on a work day (hard to take off for most folks in our town - blue
collar jobs!) and in the letter it said "As you may be aware, (my town) has passed an ordinance requiring an annual inspection of all
So...granted this could just be to check wiring, smoke detectors, etc...and I wont be able to call anyone now until Monday to find out WHY they are
coming...but, is this even legal?
They are going to enter people's homes EVEN IF THEY AREN'T HOME!!! Residents are being REQUIRED to leave their doors unlocked on the 18th. Our note
said that our landLORD will be going in our homes with the borough leaders - well thank God for that lol!
Any feedback on this?? Do I have a right to say no or ask questions or for proof of this said ordinance (which, by the way, was NOT distributed to
ANY member of our town OTHER than our "leaders")...
Thanks for the feedback!!!
- Allison