posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 10:42 AM
OK for me living is about the experiences of the individual, yet what I am starting to see in society is a gradual decline of experiences, it is as
though potential 'moments' are gradually being stripped away from us and instead we are coming to accept sterile day to day exchanges which aren't
really nurturing the individual, would you like more coffee sir? Do you need help with your packing? Eat in or take away? Isn't the weather awful!
Conversation is dead when there is no action. I think we secretly thrive for action, good or bad. How was work today? This is a common enough
question, right. Well how often is it followed by, 'nothing much' or 'the usual'. Compare this to 'Oh John caused havok today when he got his arm
caught in the printing press' Hell I would love to hop on a bus tommorrow and for it to hit a car and roll over, not because I'm mad but because
it's an action I can talk about.
IMO society has become more and more efficient at processing consumer demands and requests leading to fewer and fewer confrontations and accidents.
Everything is much safer and more organised, leading to fewer and fewer 'moments'. Essentially I think this means we as a society and individually
are losing our identity as it is action and interaction that help shape the individual. When nothing happens to you or others around you worth talking
about what does that leave accept idle banter.
Ironically it is the criminals and those that buck the system or dare to be different that create action. Their actions stimulate conversation and
make news. Everyone else mostly confides with the law and social etiquette and act as just another zero amongst many. Acting at the whim of the
Many of us here are full of theory but perhaps do not act and create action to better society. Short of resorting to terrorism how do we really make a
difference and change society so that we experience more action? Thereby letting our individualism shine, or is the system we have been born into
beyond change, beyond repair, stagnant in nature?
Shine on.