This is an old article I came across, that I wrote and posted on Mufonet in 1995, funny when you go looking for yourself what you find on the
27 Jan 95 01:24:12
By: Ian Wilson
To: All
Re: Universal Vision
The Geometry of Light into Matter
The model is a representation of a vision that I had where I saw
sub-particles of matter as units of consciousness. The following is
an overview how the order of this consciousness relates to itself
and combines to create physical matter and the laws of cause and
The area of thought that this vision contained was relationships in
numeric unity and geometric form. I am still researching several
outlets to this form and attempting to articulate as much as I can
the vision as it creates itself in to logic and unity.
Keep in mind that this model is a representation and it's a small
tool to observe relationships in energy and thought as well as it's
relationship to matter. The nature of this is from the science of
spirit into the logic of matter so you may find some of the concepts
not adhering to linear time rather (to) events happening in infinite
timeless expressiveness.
A single group or sub-particle is a separated unit from a whole.
This whole is represented by infinite timeless existance and ties
into an order of thought that addresses a universal consciousness
that is self- actualising and expressively harmonious. Light and
pure thought was the intended model as a representation of this
universal infinitum. And all aspects of this universe was divided up
into an infinite number of parts. When these parts descend into
matter, they transform from light [energy] into physical matter.
From there laws are establised creating the structure and physics
that we form in our science.
For what ever reasons, the model for the singular personafied unit
of an infinite order was represented by this following model :
12 This model has 12 sides.
111 We add 12 by it's numbers to get 3
10 2
eg. 12 : 1 + 2 = 3
9 3
We do this to fit it into a feild of
8 4 unity
This singular unit is a part of a greater body of energy. In it's
material state, it combines with other particles forming
relationships and bonds. The bonds were represented by a loving,
harmonious recognition of self and other parts of self. Since this
energy is light and light has consciousness this unit is self-aware.
The relationship was called a family and from this family we have a
molecular order.
The particles then bond in harmonious order to form larger matter
based relationship. Keeping in mind that all matter comes from a
universal field of light energy that has altered it's frequency into
lower vibrations to form matter. But in it's pure state, it is the
same: Light. We can take a look at Einsteins theory of relativity
where E=MC This formula represents the relationship of matter and
light as energy.
And all this light has consciousness. This key (that) is lacking in
our science is that energy is consciousness and aware that it
exists. That it is self aware. And self is what this model is
When light in matter unifies, it forms a relationsip with other
particles according to laws of relationships between matter and
light. This becomes a greater whole and we'll form how this order
creates a larger sub-particle.
We'll look at four groups of consciousness forming a single particle
of matter in a relationship. That particle has a unified number and
it has a relationship; we look at 4 units.
4 units X 12 sides = 48
we add 48 together to unify the number
48 : 4 + 8 = 12
And we have 12, which in turn adds to 3.
What physical matter reality represents is light at a denser
vibrational state. Since light is consciousness, it was by thought
that the light had lowered itself in it's vibration into sub
particles. And it was this light in it's thoughts that formed
frequency, matter and fields of energy et al; the laws we strive to
The order comes from attraction and replusion. Since light in a
matter state creates a resonance of vibration it has a magnetic
order. Electro-magnetic fields form at various frequencies and this
identifying order creates the grounds on which matter collects into
it's schools of particles and families.
The Universe as a Whole.
When addressing any universal concepts we scientifically see the
universe in terms of light, energy and matter. Energy being neither
created nor destroyed, just transformed into one stage or another,
but it is all energy, and the more groups of energy unified in one
frequency or pattern the more intense and focused the energy
The universe is intelligent and energy has intelligence. Our
thoughts are comprised of electrical charges passing through neural
transmitters in the synapse. This unified balance of patterned
energy and it's applications give us intelligence, but intelligence
is still energy.
The reason we think on a human level is because we have a specific
frequency of thought energy and it's relationship in it's creative
design gives the framework for our consciousness and directs or
controls this intelligence for the purpose of this linear human
experience. This is commonly noted by brain wave patterns alpha,
beta, theta, and delta. Controlled frequencies of neural energy
We are focused particles of energy, matter and light formed in a
very specific design to comprise the experience we are. And it is
now very important to start to address thought and it's influence on
itself. Energy reacts to thought. But we are getting into a series
of concepts that humanly has been denied or submersed by the
inability of our thinkers to grasp that their thoughts are an energy
and are influencing creatively the effects of thought on light as
electromagnetic brainwave patterns.