posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 09:11 AM
Yes of course it is racially motivated. When will people just except the fact that there was, is and ALWAYS will be racist Aholes who WILL NOT accept
the other colors. People gotta stop trying to change the impossible. But I do agree that on YOUR private propety..hang and express your feelings
however you choose. On public property or grounds where tax dollars are can't just express whatever you want.
And considering all candidates involved this election SUCK...what are we going to
Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
nyk537, until you've been in their shoes, I'm going to hold the opinion that you don't understand. And now, to avoid a race-related argument, I'll
bow out.
"in their shoes".....If there is one thing that ticks me off its this idea that "BLACK" america has it so rough and us WHITES are all to blame.
Its the most abused excuse for lazy, no good PEOPLE I have ever heard. I am white, I work my butt off and at the end of the year I bring home around
$50,000. I can name you atleast 100 African Americans who live within 20 miles of me who make over $100,000 a year STOP with all the
racial black BS...the only people holding back, white, or indifferent are the people who whine about it and use the excuses only there
great ansestors should have the right to use...since they actually experianced it!!!! So until I or ALL white people make more then EVERY black
person in america...shut up about racial BS and the "MAN" holding back blacks...its old! Every opportunity for minorites is available..MANY MANY
more then there are for me. Now take this rant for what its worth...and call me racist if you want, but I am not...what I am is sick of hearing the
same excuse over and over and over when it has NOOOOO supporting evidence these days.
Sorry BH this is not a responce directed at you...its a general that unless someone is blind..or an actual RACIST...they can't deny
[edit on 10/31/2008 by rcwj75]