posted on May, 29 2005 @ 03:50 AM
Also ....would like to add that when icons which are images of heavenly things and not to be WORSHIPPED AS SUCH.......are weeping blood and myrr..this
occurs when something of great significance happens in the world..and continues to do before the two towers were hit, the monks at Holy
Mount Athos (Greece) similar things occured!
Everyone was struck seen! Weeping are not only icons in an altar, not only crosses, but also walls of the altar!
From walls blood (or myrrh of bloody color) is appearing, not only myrrh. The icon of new martyrs of Belarus, made on paper, is put in a tray because
of the plentiful myrrh expiration. In a hour one glass full!
From the legs of the Lord on big altar icon blood (or myrrh of bloody color) also is streaming.
Myrrh on many icons flows from eyes of the Lord and the Holy Virgin - icons look like crying. Some icons like the icon of Mother of Gor of Kazan, are
completely wet from the rich expiration of myrrh. A throne wet from myrrh, flowing from crosses.
The icon of Three Prelates, on a column in the church hangs highly. But myrrh flowing from eyes of all three holy persons is clearly observed. This
icon started weeping on the day of memory of Gregorios of Nazianzenos, John Chrysostomos and Vasily the Great.
The icons are visible ......below