Well once again many will probably looking at a Thread on ATS that has been started in response to an article posted by
Sorcha Faal
Generals Try To Stop Imminant World War 3
Hoax Queen, or King rather.
Fear Creator
Fantasy producer and Distorter of truth.
I don't know how many times I have jumped to a Thread and wasted my valuable time, and also the waste of ATS resources on Faal's always wrong
We all know at least once a week WW3 is imminent etc from Faal.
So I propose that if the ONLY source for a story is Faal, no matter where it is posted from be it a Blog, Faals site or others, that if there is no
other source for that story, seperate from a reproduction of Faals original story, i.e a differant OP,
Then as in proven UFO hoax's etc a clear designation be made within the headline?
Not hoax, as maybe that bounders on Slander until after the fact however [FAAL]
I really think it would improve the quality of the boards and ATS, reduce valuable ATS server space and bandwidth too.
As the new book is out soon to, it increases the credibility, and retention and revisiting of new visitors and members to our site caused by Marrs
book and the recent Robbie Williams Collaboration.
We could be loosing many new members and credibility.
It is normal for someone to scan the headlines and go for the most sensational, which will always be FAAL if a story is posted on ATS, they click the
link, panic for a minute or two, see the truth or search the credibility and never come back here again.
Kind regards,
Members if you agree Flag this so those that be know?
elfedit spelling
[edit on 29-10-2008 by MischeviousElf]