posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:36 AM
Aggressor: Georgian politicians.
Provocers: Russian dito.
Victims: General civilians on both sides.
You have to understand the history; the Russians and Caucasian rebublics (sovereign or not) have always been in each others hair. This has to do with
different mentalities, goals and ethnicities.
None of the sides in this conflic are ready to step down, the Russian side is way to aware of how vague their control in this region is, and have
always been. If they let some part go, the others will cry out for freedom directly. I don't say that no part has the right to struggle for their
independence, but there are different ways to play the game with Russia. Look at Tartarstan, they made it A-ok because they did it by diplomacy and
careful stratigies. But also did Tartarstan not have the ancient grudges like most of the caucasian states have.
The people in this specific area also have a certain way of life and a very strong feeling of national pride and they won't take crap from anyone,
and especially not from Russia who has been pushing them around all the time.
But is it really that smart to raise arms agains an opponent that will obiously kick you ass over and over? I would say not. But they think so.
It is so much more complicated than this, but it's a starter.