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Hallucinations: a window to another world?

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posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:42 PM
okay well this little thought got into my head today. what if when you hallucinate, whether its because of drugs, sleep deprivation, or anything your mind opens. like they say "a door closes, another one opens" can apply here. your conscious mind starts turning off but your sub conscious or your hidden mind turns on. you see thing that logically shouldn't be there, but what if they are.

any thoughts on this?

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:44 PM
You make it sound like this is a new and unheard of idea..
This is a common theory, all I'm gonna say about it is, I hope it's true.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Gamechanger
You make it sound like this is a new and unheard of idea..
This is a common theory, all I'm gonna say about it is, I hope it's true.

i know its not new or unheard of it is jsut something i have been thinking about recently and wanted to see if what others thought on this subject.

my search button doesnt seem to be working. so i figured ill post it.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

I'm not sure Tesla. It depends on what you define as 'reality' and whether you believe in a finite or infinite Universe.

I believe in an infinite Universe in which, because its infinite, every single possible reality, Universe, and event, will exist at one time or another. Everything you can imagine and an infinite number of things you can't, will eventually come to pass. The Universe expands, plays out a reality, collapses and then expands into a different reality over and over FOREVER...

This would mean that hallucinations are indeed a window into the mind of an infinite Universe. Because time is ultimately meaningless you can view every single separate infinite reality as all simultaneously existing in one infinite instant. If the Universe is infinite it means that everything will eventually come to pass.

Dreams and hallucinations can seem real, sometimes people can't separate their dreams and hallucinations from reality. So what is really real? Are you seeing something strange but fictional or are you peering into a an alternate reality? No one knows...

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:05 PM
all I can say is if the things I saw (halucinated) when I was a teenager doing things I shouldn't be doing were real in any dimension, then that dimension is pretty messed up. I saw the entire cast of the Cosby show ax murdered. I would like to think Bill is a non violent kind of guy in any dimension.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:13 PM
I think you are right about everything you folks said. When '___' came about the CIA and FBI were into research in mind expanding drugs and the DR. who manufactured it was working for the MK-Ultra project. When you go to sleep and start dreaming and can be aware that you are dreaming you can have a out of the body experence and remember your dreams but most don't remember their dreams so they are not out of the body. If you relize you are dreaming some very interesting feats you can do. The History or one of the channels like did a doc on this and just do a follow up any see how correct you are.

The One

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

OK so... when I was about 20 I did some Shrooms. This was not the first time I had done them, but they were really, really strong, and I ate waaaaayyy too many, I ate about 1/4 Oz. This resulted in an extreme hallucination where I seriously thought one of my best friends faces looked like the devils face. After a half hour or so, the trip was just way too much, I told all my friends they were evil and holding me back in life, and then I took off. On my way home the trip just got worse I went into a parking lot to take a leak, and after driving around for about a 1/2 hour I realized there was no way I was going to find my way out of this parking lot.

So I parked and while I was parked I started too think about the nature of life, my life in particular. During this time I had an awesome epiphany. It semed to me that I had realized the very nature of all existence and the universe itself. I had an awesome revelation about my life, but it was not in a good way, I remember that this revelation gave me a very hopeless feeling.

After a time, a very long time, I sobered up, went home and to sleep. When I woke up, I could not for the life of me, remember what this epiphany was, yet during the time of the hallucination it seemed crystal clear. I have never done any type of hallucinogen since as I do not want to recreate that terrible feeling. But I desperately wish I could remember what it was.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 03:56 PM
I dont think so. I have done some major experimentation in my younger years. I have done acid numerous times. Also recently tried salvia, which was the worst experience of my life. If you have ever seen that commercial where the girl who smokes a lot of pot is melting into the couch, that is what I felt like. I felt like I was actually melting. It was god awful. And I have experimented with a bunch of hullicingenics.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Yeah man Salvia sucks

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 05:02 PM
I have since the very first time I have ever hallucinated seen what has now been called to my attetion, as the manderbolt scale? or image. I see it all over everything around me I can look at any object if on a substance that makes me hallucinate or just gives me a really strong body high. I am not trying to make myself seem cool, just thought it was interesting that after 8 or 9 years of trying to explain to other what I would see when I would trip, I know am really getting kinda spooked by it, if this is a quantum physics coinsiding mathmatical fractal theory, then how the hell could I physically see it years before any one showed me these images? I will try to post the one I found today that is most like what i see. Also since I was younger to know the tip or hallucination has changed, I used to see it as like a blanket over everything, now I see the pattern over or wraped around what apears to be a net, this is gonna sound wierd but for all my life I have been able to what I refer to as field around any object living or inanimate.back to my point, I now see what looks like a web covering every thing with what look like large bugs crawling around maintaining it and they to are coverd with this pattern as am I and every thing else I look at. any way I have wanted to share these experiances with some one for years, and now I acan with some anninimity

any one have any thing similar happen to them?

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 05:08 PM
N. Tesla have you seen the tv show fringe?

The scientist in it gives a girl liquid '___' in a needle and when she asks what's in it he tells her it'll expand her consciousness.

That's sorta what I believe it does.

TV's are based on the human brain and eye.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 06:06 PM
At One Point, there used to be a forum poster on ATS Called DotGOV101.

She was a severe schizzophrenic, but a frighteningly lucid one. She was totally with it, and was a talented communicator. I remember laughing many times at her perspective on life in her blog.

One of the things that struck me, is that she was as she described it, able to receive information from orb-like beings that would be constantly swimming around in her immeadiate area. They would be able to read others thoughts, and see what is about to happen in the near in minutes future. She had claimed her gift/disorder was of a sufficient adversity/strength it could be used in conjuction with special government programs.

She had detailed her constant battle with health problems, and the doses of psychiatric meds she was on. She was more heavily medicated than is tolerable to maintain normal health. She would explain she had gained serious water weight and her sleep patterns were scattered.

Anywho, She had described her condition very entertainingly, and clearly. I for lack of anything to compare it to, believed her. She was not grandiose
in her description, she seemed very in touch with how crazy it was even to her and how much of a personal struggle it was. She would spend days blacked out, and unable to blog.

She suddenly stopped posting one day about 4 years ago, and she has not been heard from again. I chalked it up to another period of silence, which was common for her. And as the Story goes, She was never heard from again...


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