posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 06:06 PM
At One Point, there used to be a forum poster on ATS Called DotGOV101.
She was a severe schizzophrenic, but a frighteningly lucid one. She was totally with it, and was a talented communicator. I remember laughing many
times at her perspective on life in her blog.
One of the things that struck me, is that she was as she described it, able to receive information from orb-like beings that would be constantly
swimming around in her immeadiate area. They would be able to read others thoughts, and see what is about to happen in the near in minutes future. She
had claimed her gift/disorder was of a sufficient adversity/strength it could be used in conjuction with special government programs.
She had detailed her constant battle with health problems, and the doses of psychiatric meds she was on. She was more heavily medicated than is
tolerable to maintain normal health. She would explain she had gained serious water weight and her sleep patterns were scattered.
Anywho, She had described her condition very entertainingly, and clearly. I for lack of anything to compare it to, believed her. She was not
in her description, she seemed very in touch with how crazy it was even to her and how much of a personal struggle it was. She would spend days
blacked out, and unable to blog.
She suddenly stopped posting one day about 4 years ago, and she has not been heard from again. I chalked it up to another period of silence, which was
common for her. And as the Story goes, She was never heard from again...