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GOP Draws Internal Battle Lines Around Sarah Palin

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posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 08:53 AM

GOP Draws Internal Battle Lines Around Sarah Palin

With the GOP looking more and more set to fracture as the possibility of electoral defeat looms, the cannibals' knives are out. Consider this quote, via Yglesias:

Jim Nuzzo, a White House aide to the first President Bush, dismissed Mrs Palin's critics as "cocktail party conservatives" who "give aid and comfort to the enemy".

He told The Sunday Telegraph: "There's going to be a bloodbath. A lot of people are going to be excommunicated. David Brooks and David Frum and Peggy Noonan are dead people in the Republican Party. The litmus test will be: where did you stand on Palin?"

Hold it now. They're serious about going all in with the Palin loyalty test? Uhm...apparently so! Nuzzo adds:

He said: "Win or lose, there is a ready made conservative candidate waiting in the wings. Sarah Palin is not the new Iain Duncan Smith, she is the new Ronald Reagan."
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 28-10-2008 by grover]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 08:53 AM
This is madness even for the Republican party.

They are talking about ostracizing the intellectual underpinnings of the entire party I.E.

We're talking the aforementioned Brooks and Noonan and Frum, and we're adding Christopher Buckley, George Will, Kathleen Parker, Colin Powell, Charles Krauthammer, Matthew Dowd, and for the sake of argument, we'll throw in Chuck Hagel, Andrew Sullivan, and Christopher Hitchens

For the sake of a feather weight like Sarah Palin who only appeals ditto heads and those unused to using their heads for little more than a hat rack.

Sarah Palin would have to do a lot of educating and reinventing herself before anyone besides that core of true believers would ever consider her a viable candidate for the White House.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Politico is reporting that Palin ( or some in her camp) is laying down plans to run in 2012

Sarah Palin may soon be free. Soon, she may not have the millstone of John McCain around her neck. And she can begin her race for president in 2012.

Some are already talking about it. In careful terms. If John McCain loses next week, Sarah Palin “has absolutely earned a right to run in 2012,” says Greg Mueller, who was a senior aide in the presidential campaigns of Pat Buchanan and Steve Forbes. Mueller says Palin has given conservatives “hope” and “something to believe in.”

And even if the McCain-Palin ticket does win on Nov. 4 — and Mueller says it could — “if McCain decides to serve for just one term, Sarah Palin as the economic populist and traditional American values candidates will be very appealing by the time we get to 2012.”

She has about as much chance at winning the White House on her own as Rudy Guilliani did.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:31 AM

For the sake of a feather weight like Sarah Palin who only appeals ditto heads and those unused to using their heads for little more than a hat rack.

The Republican Party realized long ago that 75% of the population fits into that category and run their candidates and their campaigns on that premise. As an added bonus, the suckers will believe anything they tell them. Rush Limbaugh... exhibit A.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Love how everyone wants to stop the Obama slander but the McCain/Palin threads just keep comming ...

Whats the motto here again? Seems some think they are Higher

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:38 AM
Oh come on... you can't take a couple of panty waisted liberals commenting on Republican politics? Need a tissue?

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:41 AM
I believe it's possible to easily categorize the founders of this nation as "cocktail party" conservatives and intellectuals.

In fact, I personally long for the day that a true intellectual authentic conservative (not new/neo-conservative) rises to prominence in the Republican party. And I'm sure such a person would prefer "cocktail parties" to pig roasts.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:42 AM
No ... I can tell you what I'd like but I would get banned surey because YOU guys can't take the heat.

The integrity of this site has been compromised.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by SGSPatriot

This is not a slander... it is commenting on something that is out there in the news.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by SGSPatriot
Love how everyone wants to stop the Obama slander but the McCain/Palin threads just keep comming ...

Whats the motto here again? Seems some think they are Higher

Expressing an opinion is not slander. Please try not to fan the flames of the anti-free speechists. Thank you for expressing your opinion however.


A type of defamation. Slander is an untruthful oral (spoken) statement about a person that harms the person's reputation or standing in the community. Because slander is a tort (a civil wrong), the injured person can bring a lawsuit against the person who made the false statement. If the statement is made via broadcast media -- for example, over the radio or on TV -- it is considered libel, rather than slander, because the statement has the potential to reach a very wide audience.

Definition of SLANDER

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:49 AM
This is not breaking.

It's not alternative.

It's not news.

Please move this to the political board.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:52 AM
Slander is saying something that is either not true or cannot be proven, it is a slur. And while I express my opinion about Palin and her qualifications and chances, that is my opinion, not a slur...

If I said she had sex with moose before she shot them that would be slander and unless someone can find a dead moose of her's with a smile on its face, no one can prove it.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by grover

Hmmm... interesting...

I never wanted to be a dead moose so badly before in my life. :-)

And I mean that in a non-partisan way.


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