posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 06:29 PM
I bought my copy on Amazon before I noticed the ATS banner ad for purchasing the book here. In future, I'll always buy your books here, but I was
soooooo conditioned to never click on banner ads that I usually never even read banner ads .. so now I'll read the ads, but only on ATS.
After reading the book, I agree with Springer that it's a great looking book, and each chapter does take you through an amazing "what if"
One suggestion: Since this is in a way a "born digital" book, why not give future ATS books an extra page at the end of the book -- an appendix
that lists and gives a brief description of all internet and web sites listed throughout the book ... that would be helpful.
I thought about recommending that an index be added at the end of the book, but this type of book is better off without an index, which could have a
"spoiler" effect on those like me who often check the index as well as the table of contents before reading the book.
And one nitpick: Despite the rarity of typographic errors seen throughout this book, I noticed two typos in quotes taken from online and offline
sources. See, for example, on page 130, the quote that mentions "vice grips", which the writer should have spelled as "vise grips". The usual
editorial treatment is to follow the wrongly spelled word with [sic] to indicate a known typo. Thus "vice [sic] grips". ... Anyhow, the
achievement of only two typos in an entire book's worth of quotations is worth removing the hat in respect. Well done, Mr. Marrs and
"Disinformation Company" publishers.
[edit on 11/14/2008 by Uphill]