posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 09:53 PM
I enjoyed the special, and learned a lot.
It makes me want to read his works for myself and make up my own mind as to what certain lines might mean.
My favorite bit was when Penn Jillette (my new favorite person who I think is a complete and total idiot) of Penn & Teller emphatically stated that
Nostradamus was a fake, and that people who believe in his prophecies or in any magic or spirit for that matter are weak individuals looking for a
crutch. He went on to say that whoever in 2001 really found the prediction of 911 in Nostradamus' book and didn't give it to the authorities in
order to prevent 911 should be brought up on charges of preventing a crime.
If Nostradamus was alive today the only way he'd thrive is if he just did predictions like "Ben and J'Lo are going to get divorced" or "Demi and
Ashton are gong to get married in a secret Spanish villa next month."