posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:43 AM
I am of the opinion that Jesus was rather a mixture of many of the views around him. I believe that things were attributed to him that were not
deserving, and that much of his message was hidden or destroyed (as evidenced by the Gospel of Thomas that suggests that Jesus said that the
"church" is INside, and that it is not necessary to attend a church...something the Priesthood surely wouldn't want their flock to realize, lest
they lose their power and income).
So in some ways both are right. I suspect that Mary, mother of Jesus, was given attributes she did not really possess (virginity being the prime one)
- and interestingly, "Mary" is derived from a title, not a name...
I do believe that Jesus lived, but that only "acceptable" teachings were allowed to be widely spread.
So, all in all, it is likely they both have aspects correct, and the Zeitgeist view is focusing on Solar Deity attributes that were tacked on, while
the Urantia view tends more to take the teachings and presume more of Jesus than one discounting Solar Deity attributes.
My humble opinion.