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Cellular Level Thought Manipulation By The Elite

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:50 PM
A cell fells a pinprick, it tells the other cells "my cell wall is dying" and you feel pain communicated up the nervous system all the way to your brain. Your eyes see blood and confirm what the other cells said. Yet you may feel relieved you find the bottle of rubbing alcohol because you know, youve learned by stimulus response and education that this action prolongs your life. Even though Rubbing Alcohol will burn. You will feel relief. Eating and cells having energy, reproductive glands, even just being at the right temperature, keeping warm in the winter or cool in the summer brings pleasure because it aids cellular level reproduction. And therefore it feels unpleasant for it to be too warm or too cold for cells to reproduce.

And we all want to feel pleasure not pain. Escape death and chance of death. And we stick to defenses that we know lead to sustainment of life as we know it.

Cells learn to store information in the brain to relate to other similar memory. And the more you can draw similarities, the more you can show how candidate A) is similar to a good life for you, and candidate B) is similar to things that inhibit pain. You have now manipulated someones thoughts.

Some of this is easier than others, Mccain says "he wants to spread the wealth around" and this can be related to the childhood urges not to share with other kids. And they both speak to us like we are kids. And if I looked at either candidates speeches I would likely find terms similarily used by parents and teachers and psychologist to talk down to children to controll their nervousness, patience, by leading them to think doing the right thing will lead to joyful things and doing the wrong thing will lead to unhappyness. Not that it can't be true, that is why it works so well.

If you communicate to the brain through voice or text a compelling argument that draws similarities to death and pain to candidate B) and life and candidate A). You have just done the brains job for it, the person no longer thinks for themself. It will stifle reasoning skills of the voter.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:59 PM
It is amazing how much semantic processing (turning spoken word into meaning) occurs in the 'pre-conscious' parts of the brain, unnoticed by the listener. I think this is the basis for the success not only of political speech, as you mention, but advertising. The same basic 'reflexes' of association are created in commercials, making links in the brain of the listener through basic pre-cognative mechanisms such as 'fight or flight', 'fear', 'sexual anxiety', 'shelter and comfort', etc.

There's a good thread in this forum about the advertising industry and thought control, there's more examples there. Check it out.

Edit to add: link

[edit on 26-10-2008 by Ian McLean]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:59 PM
nice insight!

I've posted about the brainwashing techniques used by politicians in minor detail in this thread:'

I'm liking your angle, somehow using propaganda to tap into the cellular/genetic and instinctual body responses....

An instinct doesn't require thought, it simply bypasses the brain and reacts... I've never thought of it like that.

Star/flagged mate... I'd love to see more along this train of thought... Its simply brilliant IMO.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:04 AM
this is something else I wrote and works off of referenced memory and the nervous system. here it is, the definition of comedy.

to make the analyzer (nervous system) part of the brain reference similarities in the stored memory banks between something pro survival (hence to identify something as pro survival).

then for it to reference similarities to something contra survival, that is similar in percepted action or description of the major senses then for the perception memory value of stored percept

Through existing identity storage memory of percept or action to be opposite of pre stored value using descriptive memory as a means of identifying it as similar to oppositte. (i.e. soft becomes hard, pain becomes pleasure contra survival becomes survival etc etc).

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:05 AM
In other words, common salesmanship

buxom blonde writhing over the hood of a new car in a tv commercial .. excites the male sex drive .. feels good .. he wants more .. commercial (via blonde) promises more, as in ' You will feel sexy, will be sexually attractive if you buy this automobile' etc.

woman holding spray-can aloft, smiling ecstatically ' buy this can of air-freshener and your home too will be like mine (actually a set in a studio) .. your home will be tastefully decorated, clutter and child free, pristine yet welcoming' etc. Never see a commercial with a down at heel woman spraying stuff into a dump, do you ?

commercial for private school showing teenagers with perfect skin, glossy hair beautifully styled. The tv-commercial kids are slim, beautifully proportioned, have an 'intelligent' look to them. Send your kids to this school and like these tv-models, your kids will have careers .. not jobs --- will live in harbourside luxury apartments, will marry professionals, will be svelte, accomplished, wealthy and happy lifelong. Every parent's dream. All it takes is money.

Chocolates next to the check-out counter ... promise instant 'feel good'

Alcohol .. promises instant feel-good

No money .. then use a credit card .. have it 'now' ... feel good now

Of course politicians are going to try to sell us their brand and promise of feel-good. They know we LIKE feeling good and they know we're addicted to feeling good ... also that most aren't very practised or interested in gratification-delay.

Politicians are simply salespeople .. 'fronts' for the Mob

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:20 AM
About the car commercial with the buxom blonde..... Ideally you would want the boxom (and hence fertile) blonde to like the car and that it is a good strong reliable car hence now the car is fertile itself. then you would want to make references that men who buy this car are strong and fertile like the woman and the car. that buying this car will make a man stronger and more fertile. so you don't see ugly women in car commercials or guys wearing a mcdonalds uniform. according to commercials attractive women like new cars. and strong men buy new cars. average people can be manipulated into thinking oh I have to get that car, this other bunch of cells formed in a male is thriving of life with it. And my bunch of cells has a better chance of survival thru reproductive and life sustainability if i get this car. On a sub concious level

[edit on 26-10-2008 by DrLove]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:30 AM
I have also posted a thread on the actual mechanics of what actually happens to the brain when subjected to the powers of advertisers suggestions through the medium of television:

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 12:34 AM
I think the political machine goes a little further than modern marketing strategies. These people are very good at manipulating your reflexes and subconscious into swaying your vote.

First, they have you believing there are only two choices...Dems and Reps... when in fact, there are many choices... Electing a third party could happen, if they haven't convinced everyone that not voting within the two party system is "wasting your vote".

I think the strategy of the democrats this election cycle is to try and trigger that "feel good" response. People have come to view the status quo as uncomfortable while we are trying to deal with the recession. So, they bill the republicans as the people who pretty much ruined everything, and they will maintain the status quo.

Republicans are using the fight or flight response, and certain preprogrammed buzzwords to trigger this response. That is why they keep mentioning socialism, terrorists, and liberals. (believe it or not, the republicans have made people believe that liberal is an evil term... but that's another thread

Neither party seems to want to point out why they would be a good leader... instead they want to show you why the other person is liberal/socialist/terrorist/the status quo/the same as the last administration.

The only details they give of why they would be a good president are in talking points, that are the same and have remained unchanged since the beginning of the campaigns. These positive points, they make sure they repeat in the same exact phrases as often as possible, because after all, if the brain hears it enough, it becomes "true".

Propaganda and how the body/mind responds to it is a truly fascinating subject! this is a great thread..

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 02:19 AM
here is an example

You know what tastes good, sugary soft drinks, pizza, fruit drinks, raw fruit, especially sugary grapes. water and sugar make up so much of the food we eat. pizza has sugar sweetened sauce and crust, water added to the crust and sauce. And when you are feeling sluggish sometimes all you need is a bit of sugar to get you going. If you don't eat, you can die, and if you spend too much money on food, you won't have enough and you will die, pizza is priced just right. less fat than a burger or fried chicken, less cholesterol. beautiful sexy women love pizza. I think it was a woman who said 'pizza is like sex, even if its bad, its still good'. And nothing washes down a bit of sugar like some water helping it digest and slide down the throat. And eating pizza with a sugary soft drink is not uncommon. the water in the drink and the water in the pizza compliment each other, the sugar in the drink makes the pizza taste sweeter and the salt in the pizza makes the drink taste saltier

[edit on 26-10-2008 by DrLove]

[edit on 26-10-2008 by DrLove]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:09 AM
Hrm... I think you may have lost me on that one Dr...

Sorry, LOL its late, but could you explain what that is an example of?

I need some coffee... sigh...

and now I want pizza too lol

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:17 AM
well, its supposed to make you want pizza. its an example of thought manipulation through cellular survival processes and memory banks of the mind.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:26 AM
gotcha... I get it now lol

I would think that cellular thought manipulation could be better controlled through addictions.

for example: Caffeine is in everything from chocolate, soda, and coffee. suppose they can link a taste to the mild zing from a given product. Then use imagery, such as a unique shape of a bottle, to further ingrain this into your subconscious. The end result being that across the world, when it gets hot outside, and someone see's the distinctive shape of a coke bottle, their body suddenly remembers the chemical "bump" it gets, and since its thirsty anyway decides it wants a Coke.

Any sort of full on addiction to a caffeine or other product would just be an added bonus.

I'm still of the opinion there are chemicals that are common place in food that will prove to be addictive in the upcoming decades, that we feel are harmless now.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 03:47 AM
well, youve learned to identify the coke bottle with your eyes and recognize it from seeing it in person or pictures. and you have a memory of what it tastes like and again it tastes basiccly like sugar and caffeine and salt. your as much addicted to the electrolytes and sugar in it as the caffeine. IMO anyway. but they show people playing sports and working so you identify that it will give you energy and help you be strong and associate it with that.

I think a good example is bottled water. lots of good marketing for this. ads with sports players. the epa saying ground water isnt clean. bottled water is clean though, comes from a "spring". and spring sounds like it feels nice. doctors saying drink 8 glasses a it is said to aid the bodily organs. its low calorie, hence it aids cellular survival through reproductive means because you wont gain weight. it goes well with any food. and its popular, its everywhere, hence it leads to social acceptance which = life sustainability of the cells and reproduction of cells.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by DrLove

First, "And we all want to feel pleasure not pain. Escape death and chance of death." The premise of your argument is not sound. It does not apply to those in addiction. Or those who are suicidal. Or even to the patriotic. All with choose pain or death over survival. Humans are a unique species in that they will do things contrary to their own preservation, to just "give up" on living.

Second, "Some of this is easier than others, Mccain says "he wants to spread the wealth around" and this can be related to the childhood urges not to share with other kids." Perhaps you are missing some words, because left as is, this statement makes no sense. By McCain stating he wants to share, this is related to a child not wanting to share? The only way those are related is by being polar opposites.

And overall I disagree with your theory because this would have to be going on for much longer than a presidential election for it to have and override other information these cells have and process. So all in all, on interesting theory, but not a reality.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 04:35 AM
1) Your arguments regarding suicide actually, in a round about way, support his argument about the "feel good" affect. Suicidal people feel as if they can no longer feel good, and are willing to do anything to end the bad feeling that they have.

Drug addiction is the result of someone seeking the euphoria, or "feel good" that drugs have to offer over a long period of time. After a while, it is a physical chemical addiction. The only way to not feel bad is to take the drugs.

Patriotism doesn't feel good psychologically?

2) I believe the "he" in the quote is Obama.

Anyway, since your post seems like a knee jerk reaction to a misunderstood subject matter, I am willing to give you another go for a thoughtful, solid, contributing argument to this thread.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by nj2day

All three of my examples of how human's are willing to throw self preservation out the window, which is contrary to the OP's argument entirely.

And my main point was my last statement. "And overall I disagree with your theory because this would have to be going on for much longer than a presidential election for it to have and override other information these cells have and process."

You cannot erase a cell's programming by a few 30 second infomercials, a presidential debate that is largely read about the next day for the highlights, an hour here or there at a rally. There is no possible way that this can be used unless it is an extended, long term use. And even this would only work if most of the population paid attention to these things. Not many people I know make sure they are in front of their television, radio whenever a candidate will be on. So the exposure is WAY to limited to have any sort of affect.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by ninthaxis
reply to post by DrLove

First, "And we all want to feel pleasure not pain. Escape death and chance of death." The premise of your argument is not sound. It does not apply to those in addiction. Or those who are suicidal. Or even to the patriotic. All with choose pain or death over survival. Humans are a unique species in that they will do things contrary to their own preservation, to just "give up" on living.

first I am going to explain each one. then i will use a brainwashing approach to persuade you.

Actually addicts choose drugs because they stimulate the nervous system and brain into releasing things like Dopamine. Something that eases 'pain'.

Suicide, people who choose suicide are often depressed and see their survival chances at jeopardy with themself. Rather than experiencing just enough pain (cell death or events that reference things that lead to inability to sustain and prolong life of the self) they can stay alive but not enough to elude the things that are likely to bring them pain and ultimately death, they choose less painful methods.

Ok being patriotic, you are arguing the run from danger approach to combat danger approach? Which leads to a life safer from danger.
I think this argument would be better if the patriots country of origin told him to make himself a suicide bomber instead of an armored soldier. SO lets go with that. Basiccly he is trying to protect the things that in his experience, sustain his life, they teach the suicide bomber that his source of pain is america, and infidels. He believes because everyone and everything in his envirement tells him he will have a better life for himself after he dies if he does this. 12 virgins wives, heaven, etc etc.

Now the brainwashing approach.

Joe the soldier is addicted to coffee and cigarettes and fought the taliban and al qaeda, which led to him having nightmares every night when we went to sleep. He eventually killed himself. Now your saying that he is a coward and all along he was just trying to kill himself from the get go? You would say that about someone who fought terrorists who torture their own people? People that bomb and kill innocent children? He watched 5 of his best friends die protecting our country! Are you a terrorist sympathizer?

[edit on 26-10-2008 by DrLove]

[edit on 26-10-2008 by DrLove]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by ninthaxis
reply to post by nj2day

You cannot erase a cell's programming by a few 30 second infomercials, a presidential debate that is largely read about the next day for the highlights, an hour here or there at a rally. There is no possible way that this can be used unless it is an extended, long term use. And even this would only work if most of the population paid attention to these things. Not many people I know make sure they are in front of their television, radio whenever a candidate will be on. So the exposure is WAY to limited to have any sort of affect.

You don't erase it, you run off of references to identify that the other candidate is similar to pain and death and this candidate is similar to life sustainment and prolongerment. Not erasing, re-referencing. Black is no longer black its african american, then it goes from african american to I was raised in hawaii, but I am from Ilnois. As if people are voting for him because he comes from the land of lincoln. They distance everything from itself. This is why they reuse the same speech catch phrases alot. And yes you can go it in a few 30 seconds commercials.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:08 AM
Give me a challenge
like make you think that drinking from square glasses is safer or tastes better or is more sexually attractive.
A round glass accentuates a round body whereas a square glass makes a person look thinner. About it being safer if you drop a round glass on its side, it rolls, and glass breaks and goes everywhere. if it tastes better it is likely because you are less prone to backwashing spit into a square glass. and spit isnt very full of energy, its what you taste when you are low on liquid.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 07:22 PM
It all ends up being about learned belief systems that are then made in to permanent mind maps of the sub-conscious that then lay dormant until that right trigger is activated, say like when that Coke ad appears on a Billboard and then the physiology of the body then kicks in and you find that despite 5 minutes ago you weren't thirsty at all but now all of a sudden you are.

But dont worry folks you can reverse this process and even go as far as actually weaning your body of "Coke" altogether or anything else.Simply by being consciously aware of all these subconscious processes that are happening.

You will find that indeed your subconscious will activily help you elimate the pysiological need for these useless drinks once you act with determined intent of will and actually knowing what is happening in the process abstain from it.
Case in point Yogi's or Siddhas use these same processes to enhance Superhuman powers within themselves through the knowledge of these processes.

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