Originally posted by justgeneric
Thanks Hugmy!
Co-experience? Thats a psychic phenominon yes? Like bearing witness to the crime via psychic resonance?
It sound a bit like some of the chunks I get...but the POV is from the perpetrator and it's a bit alarming and very uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable
as in nauseating...but rather as in the sensation of seeing through someone Else's eyes.
Your welcome! I'm glad you topic'd this actually..... (*cringes* :-) )(hah hah good one! Maybe this will be the new "psychics codeword" *grins*)
Co-Experience. Um. I am not a big book reader or movie watcher and actor recaller...so....I can't point and say "like that--->" in this instance.
I don't know *anything* about the meaning of the word psychic resonance.
And what you say about the perpatrator rings true.
But both-and also*. It is more like, To make matters worse and more complicated I have as well co-experienced, unwillingly, and unprovoked as
trapped within the assailant in one instance, and the victim in a handful of rapes and killings, as well as an observer in an explosion, and a fire
that I can not confirm past the experience of having the experience. I don't have access to police files, so I cant say exactly that I 'co
experienced' with precision. I can only say, that while asleep I have been 'taken away'--as like OBE meets sleep paralysis. It could truly be as
simple as a psychic response to the news-or-in pre news instances, undiscovered territory on the minds abilities to pick up on off frequency
transmissions as a side effect of being on Earth bombarded by them.
It started around 2002 as near as I can guess, though I had one not trauma related in 97. I haven't kept a log. The instances are not mounting.
I muse a few theories based on bits and pieces of others information and my own observations.
1. proximity to the target following the theory of telepathic distance ratios as stated on psipalatium.com
(this was a site I visited a while back, and for a few weeks I entertained the idea of practicing telepathy, but I dropped it)
2. relation to the participants. This is my musings. I can not confirm, but still for reasons I muse. What if any *relation* do I have with the
victims or perpretrators. Are these people I have come in contact with. Are these people, people who have come in contact with people I have come in
contact with?
Why is this happening?
3. animal witnessing. ok. I
know this sounds kookie, (is that even a word? chuckles), but, nature has eyes. Plain and simple.
I entertain the possibilities that that bug on the wall might have seen something. This concept has actually come up in movies and cartoons. The dogs
conveying barking. The rabbits thumping the ground. ah. bah. I don't know.
I do know it is
not pleasant. It's not controlled. I am completly clueless as to why I had these experiences.
They are very different from some other type of dreamings I've had. The one's I sleep with the lights on to deter. They are different than
nightmares. They are different than sleep paralysis. They are different than sleep paralysis nightmares.
With the one where I was trapped in the perpatrators head-I was wide awake. All I did was lay on the bed and WHOOOSH. There I was.
That one really scared me, because, in a nightmare I can think myself to a place where I can then undergo the struggle to awake away from the
paralysis. I couldn't do that here. My kid though touched me and WHOOOSH. There I was.
It was like I could have been stuck there forever. That happened one time. What if my kid wasn't there?
5. Sleeping in the direction that parallels the dead. This sounds kind of hokey too, but my russian brother told me a superstition about sleeping in
the parellel direction that the dead are buried--as being bad, as well as burying the dead horizontal to the sun as being bad. Rather more
specifically that sleeping in the manner that is not the same as the dead are buried as being respectful and undisruptive. Why would anyone
want to piss off the dead-I don't know, so I follow the rule, once I recalled it. I've been separated from my brother for a long time and
totally forgot until an instance. I dont have any data but I believe the hillside I live on to be a prime plot for native american burials-an
excellent gentle meadowed slope down a soft hillside near the oceans and a spectacualr sunset. I was sleeping in the direction parallel the dead on
another occurance--maybe this touched me closer to their side of seeing things-and maybe that is what they were seeing.
About that superstition. He said it is rude to bury the dead so that the rising and falling of the sun rolls them over so to speak. It *disturbs*
their eternity. I'm not sure if it is head or foot to the sunrise but that was the direction he meant. So the sun wakes (stands) them up and the
sunset rests (lays) them down.
(edit---dont know my right from my left)
6. The dead attempting communication. As a theory I think this one is obvious.
7. Pinging off of bio-matter; ie: dna. As like when you can feel someone watching you. DNA is what it is. I don't know what it is. But I know it is
what it is. My reason for musing this is that I unburied a squirrel once on a whim that something was *there*. A compulsion. And there it was.
I can't do anything on purpose though. If someone loses something, I can generally find it by way of a search grid and amazing luck. But if they hide
something on specifically on purpose from me to sort of subversively test me without my knowledge (bob.l...)-I can not find the thing, I can only be
aware that a thing has been done to subversively test me without my knowledge based on observations without my imput. And I get a fair bit freaked out
about it-kind of like being felt up by some hobo felon just out of the penitentiary for triple homicide. *This is* where 'observation affects
When you know your being watched, but your not in on the experiement--do you react naturally?
If you are looking into heightening your skills in remote viewing--I would *highly* suggest peeking into the science of psionics and telepathy.
Who did you have in mind for rv? The missing pilot?
I like to think that he was with his permission rewarded retirement in the stars and his body wasn't found in the aircraft as a means to let his
peeps know he lived on.
[edit on 26-10-2008 by HugmyRek]