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Are we truly free?

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 06:35 AM
Are we truly free?
I am just wondering about some of our (the general public) needs. I believe that we have filled our lives with fake stuff that keeps us dosile so we don't question our leaders.
I mean, tv is a great time consumer, and it makes us have even more needs, sports (is it important who scores what or who runs fastest?) music, gotta have this cd and this cd and so on. And games games games, the list goes on and on....
Even the very media we are on right now, that is my favorite vice, the internet. I can do without most stuff, but I would hate to be without the web. In my defense I use it to enlighten myself.

So the point I am trying to make is with all the money we have to make to buy all this fake stuff, we actually have no freedom at all. And therefore we are easy to fool and control.

What if all I need is to have my God in heaven, me on the ground and food and water every day, would I question the government faster then?

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 06:49 AM
Yes, we are free within the boundaries of the societies we live in.

But some of us are not happy with working and consuming. I think happiness is probably higher in other parts of the world. While we have all the stuff we can ever need, some of us wonders if this is all there is to life.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:08 AM
We are all we have ever thought, and thankfully, we are mostly free in discerning and informing ourselves. In this sense I believe we are free. The problem with this is that we are just as easily manipulated. Despite a barrage of subliminal and not so subliminal processes which in part make up our lifestyles and choices. We are still under the illusion that we have a choice, which is a freedom of sorts.

What a tonguetwister

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:14 AM
No your not. If you live in uk or usa, your bound to have had mind control on your life.

Anyone here that thinks electronic mind control does not exist, is not living in any real world. It is here and they will use it on you, and you have no defence what so ever.

I know that is a fact.

So none of us are free, and i doubt other countries are free either from this tech.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Opensourcerer

Welcome to the real world...... Philemon. Absolutely right... NEVER EVER watch TV or Hollywood movies. The Net is a direct information superhighway into your mind. Guess who cruises the highways and byways of your soul the moment you logon. "The Way" is followed by many but understood by few. There is a "Way" to be "free"..... it is fierce and perilous. Most don't have the courage to try.

Many Are Called But Few Will Be Chosen.

Just a suggestion on how to put to better use all that mind control technology. Buy the Bible on DVD with written word displayed on screen as it is read. Play them all day long... play them while you sleep. Something will happen. The Bible is a riddle that can only be solved by reading from the beginning to end over and over and over.....

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by andy1033

Anyone here that thinks electronic mind control does not exist, is not living in any real world. It is here and they will use it on you, and you have no defence what so ever. I know that is a fact.

Freakiest part of this dismal "fact" is that we cannot prove what is or has been done to us. We know that something has happened. But... who would believe us? Jesus dealt with this kind of surveillance & harassment. He was implanted with the finest surveillance device ever invented... the "Judas Bug"... a human intelligence gathering machine watching & tracking His every move. Nothing new under the sun.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

I know that is a fact.

If you are going to claim something as a fact, please corroborate your ideas with evidence. A feeling is not a fact, after all, what we're discussing here is just how easily we are manipulated.

To the people claiming a grand mind control conspiracy, I may even be willing to applaud your insight. If you had anything to back it up.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Oscitate

"To the people claiming a grand mind control conspiracy, I may even be willing to applaud your insight. If you had anything to back it up."

It is called Television. Look at the effect it has on those poor Americans.

The little box in the corner has an awful lot of influence over the simple-minded. A few corporations control the televised media.

Corporations are a conspiracy. Literally.

They literally are comprised of people conspiring to a achieve an objective. Nothing spooky or nefarious - just American Uber Capitali$m.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 09:51 AM
Are we free?

No. We are slaves to the elite.

They have the technology so none of us would ever need to work again. They simply withhold it from us.

What is easier? Whipping someone to perform tasks for you? Or tricking them into wanting to to it?

What is a wage or salary when you need most of it for the right to live on the planet you were born on?

If you don't enjoy getting up in the morning to use your life to perform tasks for others, then you are a slave.

"In its narrowest sense, the word "slave" refers to people who are treated as the property of another person, household, company, corporation or government."- Wiki

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Yes, you are free.
free to choose not to buy that CD
not to watch that stupid useless team sporting game
not to buy that latte' or burger from the chain store
etc. etc. etc.
You are free to make your own music or enjoy the live performance of a friend
you are free to dig up some grass and plant some flowers or veggies
you are free to do without the "stuff" and just "be"

but you, and I, and everyone else, are vulnerable to the mind control techniques in adds and media,
are susceptible to opinions of others aka mob mentality
etc. etc. etc.
we are free, but it ain't easy.
you gotta work at it.

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