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My Rant To The Truth Movement

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posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:21 AM
From Chris White

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

This is my rant to the Truth ,patriot, freedom, liberty, movement.
to the 911 truthers and the 2012ers. To the followers of Michael Tsarion, Jordan maxwell, Alan Watt, David Icke, Zacheria Sitchin, Eric Von Daniken, Acharya S, David Wilcock and the others I missed. To the wiccans, Luciferians, Satanists and the Chosen Ones. To the devotes of Helena Blavatsky or Alice Baily or the theosophical Society.
To those who Think its all the Jews, or the Jesuits, or the Zionists, or the reptilians, or the greys, or the bankers or the commies or the cults.

This is for you

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:24 AM
Well not to be a kill joy but truth is in the eye of the beholder and nothing is going to take that away from them.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 12:30 AM
Aren't you glad that you can post your opinion? Does it really matter to you if people believe in certain things that you don't? Let them form their own opinions and you, in turn, form your own.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Amenti
Very nice contribution Amenti. But I do believe the real "Jesus" was named Joshua. Whats in a name, its the heart that counts.
The truth he speaks of will resonate in your heart, if you have one.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
reply to post by Amenti
Very nice contribution Amenti. But I do believe the real "Jesus" was named Joshua. Whats in a name, its the heart that counts.
The truth he speaks of will resonate in your heart, if you have one.

Very true. thanks for that.
Yeshua (Joshua) is what I usually say around the house, but I figure it would cause more confusion in a situation like this, and we already have our hands full in that regard.

[edit on 25-10-2008 by Amenti]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 01:57 AM
My rant to the people who rant about the truth movement.
" You are deluded, wake up to reality, this is not a fairytale where the guy gets the girl and they both live happily everafter as they ride off into the sunset. There is some serious $*** going down and you would be well advised to get ready for it or pray to the God of uniformed, delusional,
truth deniers that I am wrong".

[steps down off of soapbox]

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by cbass
My rant to the people who rant about the truth movement.
" You are deluded, wake up to reality, this is not a fairytale where the guy gets the girl and they both live happily everafter as they ride off into the sunset. There is some serious $*** going down and you would be well advised to get ready for it or pray to the God of uniformed, delusional,
truth deniers that I am wrong".

[steps down off of soapbox]

what a rosy outlook.

If i had thought you watched and understood what I was saying I would word this different.

But for now I will just say, yeah its bad, real bad, does that mean Im cashing in my chips? NO, Im going down with this ship, i love my fellow man more than any thing else here on this planet, and I want us to resits the attempts of our mutual oppressors for the control of our most precious asset..our minds.



posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Amenti

I'll give that a big

I do wonder how possible it is to win at this point in the game.
It seems that they have this very well thought out and there is little chance of a resistance having any effect whatsoever.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Amenti

Thank you Amenti for such a well presented and sincere argument.
I too have become suspicious of the motives behind a lot of the new information that is so easily accepted.

If the basis of our culture is a satanic hoax then it is so easy to do the 'limited hangout' ruse and divert attention away from the real truth.

In my mind however, resides the stubborn conviction that if left to our real intuitive nature, a child will evolve into the truth as a tree will seek the light of the sun and that all religious imagery is problematic. Having said that I do follow the 'teachings' of Jesus.

The challenge is to stay pure. thanks again

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Amenti

HAha, for such a well informed person its too bad hes such a jesus lover. How people can open their eyes to such mind bending conspiracy and phenomena but cannot dismiss the bible and jesus boggles my mind.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 06:55 PM
My rant:

It's been seven years. Bush is about to be replaced. You guys couldn't get Americans as outraged as they were for Bill Clinton's sex scandal. Great job, guys.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by mdiinican

What you see on the telly may not be an accurate depiction of reality.

Especially the beeb.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:11 PM
Good points. The one thing they arent feeding us and honestly do not want us to do by any means, is mass doses of '___' psilocybin, mescaline, or '___'. In fact, '___' is one of the safest chemicals out there, produced by our brain yet more illegal than methamphetamine or heroin. Why is this? Well I bet you a million dollars, if you went to a place where it was legal, and partook in a '___' or Mescaline ceremony, you would experience what they dont want you to, and for what reason? heheh you'll see, by god you will see.
Ultimately, you will be able to see through the illusory reality placed before your eyes.

"Smoke '___' and join my cult mother F'ers!"-Joe Rogan

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by marsha law
reply to post by mdiinican

What you see on the telly may not be an accurate depiction of reality.

Especially the beeb.

I don't get TV. Especially not the BBC (You'd probably have to have digital cable or satellite to get it here. I don't even have broadcast. I value the internet more.). All I've seen of the truth movement is online, and once in real life, demonstrating in front of a deli. There's no impeachment in the works, no serious legal proceedings at all. Most people don't like bush because of his unpopular wars and failed economic policy.

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:46 PM

Google Video Link

here it is all in one part

posted on Oct, 25 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by mdiinican

Just assumed you were english. Sorry.

I think people are very upset but our politicians have sold us out and everyone feels a bit helpless in the face of things.

This is the most fluoridated place on earth and maybe that has something to do with a lack of action. No. I'm positive that it does.

Is it so much better in Oz or wherever you are?

Sorry to get off topic OP.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by marsha law
reply to post by mdiinican

Just assumed you were english. Sorry.

I think people are very upset but our politicians have sold us out and everyone feels a bit helpless in the face of things.

This is the most fluoridated place on earth and maybe that has something to do with a lack of action. No. I'm positive that it does.

Is it so much better in Oz or wherever you are?

Sorry to get off topic OP.

its cool, I couldn't agree more with your point about politicians, fluoride, and oz

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