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Nuke Jitters :: Is Something Actually In The Wind?

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posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 10:30 AM
So we've seen the threads about Joe Biden, Colin Powell and numerous other world leaders alluding to some kind of 'event' in the very near future. And the threads about new, serious terrorist 'chatter' in the UK. The good ol' US of A is in an increasingly compromised state because of the global economic meltdown and it is almost certainly going to get much, much worse. This brings up the possibility that an enemy could hit us while we're down or another possibility that a domestic entity could pull a false-flag in order to re-shuffle the economic deck, so to speak.

In this morning's UrbanSurvival column a reader wrote-in to say:


I have been an avid reader of yours for the past year, along with the HPH boys. I work in ***********, ** with our state government for the last ** years, in a regulatory agency that does (as a side) emergency response. My area of expertise is radioactive materials.

Yesterday something very strange happened. Our staff of emergency responders were called into the Supers office and were issued “badges”. We had to sign an affidavit of loyalty and integrity when issued these pieces of metal. In the past our ID’s were good and proper for any work we did, even got us admission into our nuclear power plants.

WE were told to carry these on our person “at all times”. In my ** years of service to this country and state, I have NEVER been issued a badge and told to carry it. Call me conspiratorial if you like, or maybe I am not seeing a bigger picture unfolding before my eyes. Just thought you would like to know what is going on in the Heartland.

AS always your friend, in service...(name withheld)

Clearly the current nuke-paranoia seems to be making it into the halls of government. Are any of the public safety/military/law enforcement members of ATS also noticing anything out-of-the-norm that runs along these lines?

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 10:42 AM
If there is, it certainly has nothing to do with the reasons given. The powell part is a huge stretch, but bidens were a bit more eyebrow raising. But to think they are giving out warnings is a bit much IMO. It serves no purpose as the majority will not even see the warnings if they are that.

Sounds like people are just promoting fear, and in this case I don't think it's the people they are pointing the fingers at.

As I said in one of the Powell threads, these "warnings" seem to be about like considering the virgin Mary appearing on a potato chip as a warning from god.

I have no idea whats going to happen, but the logic just doesn't play out right in these warnings.

[edit on 24-10-2008 by badmedia]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by badmedia

I'm sorry, then you simply haven't been paying close enough attention. Please review th other thread on the matter and you will gain a great understanding of what is unfolding.

Please pardon that I do not recall exact names, but recently a cargo ship containing radioactive material was hijacked by pirates and has disappeared. Sollog (look him up) and Ron Weinland have been shrieking about this for years and it is unfolding right before our eyes. Several "Seers" have indicated that it is highly likely that multiple radioactive dirty bombs would be detonated on US soil - just after the first of the year.

Intelligence communities have been alluding to this chatter for months. Gov't agencies have been put at the ready. Military troops have been deployed on US soil for the first time in history. Multiple world leaders have alluded to the upcoming crisis. The military leaders of the world's leading armies met recently in an undisclosed location somewhere in NY for secret meeting. Something is in the works - and it is BIG!

I think I know what it is from connecting the dots and I don't like it one bit. What makes me believe that this is not your typical fear-mongering is that you are not hearing ENOUGH about it. Recent fear-inducing events for the sake of fear itself were repeated ad nauseum by the MSM. However, they have been entirely mum on this which leads me to believe that credence should be lent to the little we are hearing about.

Fasten your seat belt; this is gonna be a bumpy ride!

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 11:23 AM
Its rather simple if you pay attention to what has being said. Some idiot lost 4 or 5....of whatr? Nuke materials or actual bombs they are called broken arrows.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by jtma508

The badges contain the same element as found on the "spy pigeons" in Iran I bet. Some sort of spy device that also detects radiation dosage.


posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by kozmo

I have no idea what is going to happen. I am just saying that the line of thought based on what Powell said(especially) and what Biden said is not a valid indicator of it. There is no logical reason why they would give out such warnings. It doesn't help them at all, and basically nobody even picked it up as such. You have to question the purpose behind any such warnings, and there is none.

On the Powell case, Brokaw originally mentions the date which means Brokaw has to be in on it, and set the entire discussion up for a reason. And what reason could that be? Does it actually warn anyone? No. Does it save anyone? No. Does it serve any real purpose? No.

I feel like I'm on a chicken little farm around here anymore. This site seems to promote ignorance alot more than it denies it. You are merely taking out of context sayings to create your own illusion of fear. No thank you.

If something happens, it won't be because of what the conclusions in this thread are based on.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
reply to post by kozmo

I have no idea what is going to happen. I am just saying that the line of thought based on what Powell said(especially) and what Biden said is not a valid indicator of it. There is no logical reason why they would give out such warnings. It doesn't help them at all, and basically nobody even picked it up as such. You have to question the purpose behind any such warnings, and there is none.

On the Powell case, Brokaw originally mentions the date which means Brokaw has to be in on it, and set the entire discussion up for a reason. And what reason could that be? Does it actually warn anyone? No. Does it save anyone? No. Does it serve any real purpose? No.

THAT, my friend, is precisely what I'm trying to tell you! Because there is no logical benefit to the establishment for these utterances, THAT is what makes them all the more eye-opening. There is no purpose other than perhaps, getting something off one's chest.

Let's be honest and reasonable here. Often the media knows things that they are complicit with the government in keeping buried - at their request of course. Often it is to avoid panic or letting our adversaries know what we are up to or what we know. I believe that is what is occuring here.

Come on man, start connecting dots here. This one is NOT that much of stretch to put together. The reason this theory works is because NO POLITICIAN or POLITICAL PARTY stands to gain anything from these utterances. Think about it

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 11:58 AM
I have thought about it. It's just a stretch and taking things out of context to call it a warning. I know things are crazy, but if you are going to make such cliams it has to come with logic.

In reality, all you are doing is taking something you fear might happen, and then warping things to fit into that puzzle.

And what purpose does this serve? Where is the warning, what city is going to be hit so we can get people out? Who are you going to save? None of that is going to happen, it's not even useful information if you accept it as being a warning.

The things mention do have a higher chance of happening than a year or 2 ago. But to stretch and take peoples words out of context for the purpose of telling people who can't do anything about it or even help save themselves is in fact fear mongering.

You remember that senator who came out speaking about the NAU conspiracy? THAT is a warning.

You can connect the dots in a connect the dot image and still not have the correct image. The trick isn't just to connect the dots, but also to be able to connect the dots in the proper logical configuration. This thread just connected a dot from the ear to a dot in the foot.

[edit on 24-10-2008 by badmedia]

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