posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye
Oh boy, where do I start.
How about with before the Big bang.
Bear in mind this was a long time ago so I'm drawing on mainly key moments. We, the collective consciousness after having been woken up found a way
to combine to form a basic expression of ourselves similar to today’s body. I don't recall us having wings or anything like that but bear in mind
these were early days of existence. To cut a long story short we experienced a kind of fear/negativity for the first time emanating through the
collective. This negativity soon grew in power to also become a conscious entity. It started to create a sense of unease throughout and was
eventually ejected from our domain into deep space.
Basically it was forgotten about but as I am about to explain it came back to bite us in the arse.
Were always on the look out for clues to our beginnings and would listen to space attentively for any clues to our origin. One day we heard something
and it sounded genuine. What we didn't realise is that it was of old, yes it was associated with that chaotic soul we kicked out. They had
obviously worked out how to contact us and what would work in terms of deceiving us. Anyway we fell for it and collectively entered the world where
the transmission was coming from. Due to the nature of the physics involved this was the first big bang. The normal process of creation went on for
some time but the difference was that 'they' occupied the higher ground this time! It has been a fight from thereon in. They even recreated the
same episode regarding the original ejection of the chaotic soul from the original domain using clones/likenesses of the same individuals present at
that time (except these were malevolent versions) they figured out who the Godhead was and ejected him into the Garden of Eden. This is the story we
have come to know as Adam and Eve which is believe it or not true! Except that Adam was actually God incarnate which few people if any know about.
Of course during that creation they had the upper hand as Eve thoughtfully created the connection needed to their past (yes the apple incident)
thereby making it even harder to rise above the mire for Adam and his kind.
They never lost sight of Adam of course and eventually over time their combined malevolent energies caused Adam to become a black hole (my best guess
but certainly along the same lines) ready for another big bang, again with control and greed being the order of their day.
And that brings us to our modern day universe which as I mentioned in my previous post was preceded with the words 'This is wrong'. which makes
sense to me given our history.
So my theory as to why so many come here, they come for the ultimate prize, to rescue God or if you’re bating for the other side, to enslave him or
contaminate purity.
Now believe me when I say I didn't just dream this up, or channel it. I remember it for real.
Deep huh!
Shine on.