posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 05:55 AM
..."On a serious note for a moment, it really sickens me to think about how much food/shelter/health care $700 Billion could have provided. I think
if we had asked for $700 billion to bail out people in need Congress would have laughed and said "We don't have that kind of money" yet when wall
street cronies need it we suddenly have it."
Hmmm. I guess I'm going to have to put on my Republican hat for a minute....ahummm ...ahummm (clearing throat). *As much as I hate to
If we gave the homeless & low income families 7 billion dollars (we, as American citizens, would never see the benefits from that investment --
excluding Walmart -- hehe). However - if we ensure that the "big businesses" have the money...we'll eventually see it - after they take their cut
- of course. We'll se it in the way of salary, insurance, interest rates and dividends (or whatever else you "really' smart people come up with).
I know...I KNOW - there are drawbacks to the "trickledown" effect & we are seeing the repercussions right now. But it's not because the initial
idea was faulty. The theory that allows tax breaks to the "wealthy" (who by the way - are the ones that write most of our payroll checks) actually
makes sense; but it's all of the "special interest" fingers that dip into the pie along the way that causes most of our problems.
With that being said...I fully support a government that acts as an insurance ONLY...nothing else. If the "big dogs" fall - pick
em' up but the second time - no WAY. What's that old-age saying ..."One time, shame on you ...two times, shame on me?"
Yeah... shame on us. Shame on me. I've sleeping through most of this absurd legislation being passed. I was assuming that my "congressmen" had my
state's best interest at heart. Right. Instead, the AK congressman was making some sweetheart deal with Florida ( no offense Flo). But right now the
sleeping populace of the US needs to wake up!
And, as Jack (from the beasnstalk) knows - nothing is more frightening than a Giant who has just woken up from a nice long nap!
Time to stretch & roar!
We need to elect officials that represent the people - NOT SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS!