posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 09:15 AM
Hi all, I'm usually just lurking on here but in the recent financial situation I would like to contribute what I can.
My brother used to work for one of the big banks that was "bailed out". Luckily and I'm sure knowingly he left right before the meltdown took
place. He has always been the Ivy league kinda person but still holds his own thoughts. I've been more of the, everything is a big show.
Anyways, we talked on the phone the other day and I was pressing him pretty hard on how this current system is a debt machine, the fed reserve is a
sham, ect ect we all know what I'm saying here.. To my surprise and shock he had no rebuttal and admitted this was basically true.
He has been warning us over the past 2 years of the coming credit crunch and sub prime mess. When the dow took the 1st big hits he called
warning my family to take some cash out just in case. I don't believe he would ever disinfo me or anyone for that matter. He doesn't seem to be
totally locked into the system and it's disinfo.
To another surprise, he said this will recover eventually but will take a few years. He also said he will be putting %90+ of his investments into
stocks at that point. Which was again a shocker. He is also called the auto industry meltdown back in the winter and approached one of the best
auto industry analyst in the financial sector about it, he was shunned and decided to play it safe and not short them. I believe since then he has
seen how the system works against truth and spreads disinfo for stability.
I would also like to call on ATS members to give some questions to ask him. The more technical and specific the better. If we could have him answer
some key, specific questions it may help us formulate a better bigger picture.
Thanks for your time and thanks to all the posters out there keeping us on the path to truth.