posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 10:11 PM
Haha lol, I have to laugh because ... my life last year really was very remnicent of the movie "Old School" admitedly and honestly somewhere
inbetween the performance of the God Father and Hank the Tank (only a few Hank the Tank moments) mostly great fun...
But... It like the Movie requires a DIVORCE to get there if your married
and I'd have been happier if my marriage worked, be Happy, especially if you have kids as I do... Nice to live like this..for a time, but better to
have your kids around 24/7
I would however, seriously reccomend the path for anyone who gets Divorced ..particularly if your taken for all your cash...
Really the situation... is no different than styarting life... being young again, no reason to not get a degree... and certainly you would make
abigger fool of yourself being broke and starting over in yuppie land...
I found it to be a great way to restart my life, make friends, get my business going, be assured of jobs, have fun...
It is after all...what College towns are designed to do for you... if I was much older, or even didn't look as young as I do, maybe not so good...
being 50 or 37 is a big difference...
But lol... hopefully when I get married again I don't F up this time!
Particularly though for the OP
A College town is a great, safe, sane, fun place to start over with tons of opportunities and... particularly if you never did it, or have no strings
attached... what are you waiting for!!!
Doesn't have to be forever... but if your going to ride out a Great Depression... Borrow some money from Uncle Sam, fill in really lame jobs and
party your kiester off while everyone else cries...
There ain't no depression that will prevent you from donating some Plasma going to Keg party, stuffing and drinking your face off and meeting pretty
5 G a semester... for going to class lol,
nop 1 Party school in the USA, a depression will deter No One