posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 05:21 PM
Has anyone experienced this? You spend the night with a new person (in my case a girl), you think everything was awesome and that the kick off just
started but to you're own amazement, the other person doesn't want to hang out with you again. I'm really looking for any advice.
I want to share in depth what my night was like.
I am 23, she is 19. We hit it off at school and then I invited her over to hang out that night. She came over, we laughed, drank, smoked(it was her
weed), played darts, listened to music and I thought she had a great time, I know I did.
As the night carried on she eventually passed out on my couch, so being a gentlemen, I went and slept in my bedroom. Latter on she woke me up
standing next to my bed and she told me to scoot over. Once she got in the bed my hand felt the need to explore. She was very strict about where I
could explore and when she told me not to touch somewhere or said quit(like her butt) I did. I didn't want to violate her.
This went on for a while and eventually I decided to test her to make sure she didn't want to just sleep. As I was just about to fall asleep while
holding her she jolted me awake. She asked, "Are you asleep?" I replied, "Almost".
She laughed. I knew at this moment that she didn't want to just sleep.
My hand began to explore and her boundaries/limits didn't change any. When it came to breast, crotch, or butt, it was off limits, everything else
was fair game. We held hands, kissed, and I massaged her back very intimately.
It ended after the final back massage and I worry now that it ended because she was upset I wasn't willing to make "the" move. Or maybe it was
just a bad back massage, even though she said it felt really good.
The thing I can't understand is what went wrong, and why shes not contacting me. I have called her no more than twice the past three days, and no
call back, so I'm pretty sure its over.
I really think she wanted me to "violate" her and go for it, and because I didn't... well you know the rest. I know that sounds bad but... tbh I
don't think that's true, I attempted to take off her belt twice and quit the 2nd time she said quit (this was after she woke me). Bah why am I even
asking here, no-one knows the answer. :bash:
I'm sure that it could be anything but let me tell you that I am pretty sure that everything went really smooth. I really don't understand... maybe
she was just looking for love and has a bf, that's the only thing I can think of. I am pretty sure sex was off limits in her mind.
[edit on 20-10-2008 by Techsnow]