posted on Feb, 8 2018 @ 01:16 AM
First, you gotta learn how the to control your emotions. You know, if you’re raising your vibrations and you get scared. If you don’t wanna
control those emotions when they pop up, what we’re doing for you, you know, it just takes a hell of a lot longer. So, I’d start at zero and start
learning, “How do you handle a new experience? How do you handle it? How do you control your emotional reactions”? Often when we’re in something
new, we’re fearful of it, because we haven’t experienced it before. Which is crap, because it could be an incredible experience, but you’re
scared like a baby, because you’ve never seen anything like that before. So, I would work on how you feel.
No caffeine, nicotine, processed foods, sugars. Eating a whole food diet. That means a non-processed diet without white sugar. That will change the
way your instrument works. That means that the energetic body that you have within your physical body becomes more sensitive to the subtle energy that
is all around us.
For a healthy person, caffeine sucks, because it messes you up, because it changes your vibrational quality, and if you’re trying to be spiritual or
if you’re trying to get down and meditate and really hone into the vibrations to get all Zen, then that stuff’s gonna ruin it. If the person’s
body needs the caffeine to be mentally and emotionally clear, like it’s taken almost as a medicinal quality, then the quality for that person is
going to take them to a place where they can be more spiritually awakened and Zen. So, you have to identify: Are you the kind of person who, when you
drink the caffeine, you get jittery or high from it? Then you don’t need it. You’re over-doing it for your body. You’re over-saturating it. Pull
off of it. Don’t do it.
Do a decaf. There’s still caffeine in it. They’re lying to you. Because notice, after you have the one, you feel all working, in balance. And
that’s a great thing. When you take the two, it’s almost like this slight overdose where you’re trying to really rev up, but you can rely on
other systems in your body to help you rev up. So, if you feel jittery when you have caffeine or you feel like you have a miniature high, you are
taking too much and you need to stand up, be good to yourself, and get off that stuff, or move on to something a little lighter like a green tea. For
those of you who can have that cup of coffee or whatever your addiction is, caffeine-wise, and you feel completely fine after having it, then you
haven’t overdosed your body. Your body is absorbing it and using it as a supplement—as a way to stay chemically balanced.
Change what your eating. Eat natural foods. Meat is natural— stop the processed foods; stop the sugar. Processed foods and sugars slow down the
vibrations. Once you stop all that, then you need to tackle your brain! Because your brain absorbs everything that it’s told. And some of it’s
just not true! You gotta treat your inner thoughts like commercials. You don’t buy everything that the commercial says, right? Once you wrestle your
brain and find out what you believe in and what you don’t, then that’s when you’re gonna realize: how much does your ego have a hold of you?
Some people might buy a certain sweater, not cuz they like it but because they think they look really good in it.
A lot of people will do things, say things, and behave in certain ways just to get approval from others. That’s an ego thing. So first, I would tell
them to clear the body. Get that habit down first before you even take on the mental struggle of what’s to come. Once you find out what your ego’s
doing, then and only then can you find out how good you are at loving someone else. And believe it or not, the people with the most stubborn egos are
the ones that have less self-love. Their ego sort of prevents them from becoming aware of what they don’t like in themselves. It’s kind of a
survival tool. So when you love yourself, your ego can fall away and you can give and receive love from others. And I don’t mean just other people.
I mean trees, plants, animals ,even the socks you’re wearing, the things you’re experiencing. That is how you feel joy, and THAT is how you raise
your vibration.