posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 04:45 PM
Thanks for bringing this up felipecb! I agree it is a very important topic that I have not yet had much time to study. I was planning to start a new
thread or dredge up an old one after the elections when people might pay more attention to it.
Everything I have read about Codex is negative, but like Mr Headshot I don't know where in the text to find these things that amount to nutricide.
If you could point this out it would be most helpful.
I have looked at some websites that go from mildly alarming to unbelievable, claiming things like a prescribed daily dosage of fluoride.
My basic understanding of Codex is that it operates on the premise that nutrition has nothing to do with health and that nutrients are toxins.
I know Canada has been in a major battle to prevent the passage of C 51 and C 52. I went on the official website today and was happy to see that the
bills were defeated. They fear the fight is not over, though, and the new administration will introduce it again.
I believe that Codex is already in effect in the EU. I wonder if we could hear from our friends there how this has changed their access to natural
products, vitamin/herb/mineral supplements and the availability of naturopath treatments?