posted on Oct, 20 2008 @ 12:37 AM
I came across this article today and I was wondering what you all think about them doing something like this ? It is in the UK not here (at least
maybe not) And if you say you would not mind if they do it to an extremist what about when it is your turn , And you are considered the extremist in a
prison somewhere ?
They want to deprogram his BELIEFS ...can you believe they are going to go this far ..Seriously I realize that some people are really messed up in the
head and I really dont have an answer on what should be done with them .....but this is really taking it too far I think .....
Another question ..does anyone know how this works and if it works at all ?
Muslim fanatic prisoners to be 'de-programmed' using controversial techniques to 'cure' them of beliefs
The article says that because they are bullying people into converting to Islam .....thats why they feel the need to do this .
And before you any of you start saying yeah yeah this is a good thing ...what if they decide someday that your the extremists and this gets done to
you to keep you from spreading your beliefs to others ?
This is stepping way over the line of squelching FREE THINKING AND FREE SPEECH dont you think ?
Here is the snippet ...
[In maximum security ‘Category A’ jails such as Whitemoor in Cambridgeshire - the subject today of an exclusive report in Live magazine based on
unprecedented access to both prisoners and staff - they make up 35 per cent of the inmates, and have converted numerous other prisoners to Islam.
In Whitemoor the 150 Muslim inmates include 39 who have converted in the jail since early last year. In some cases, officers believe converts have
been subjected to bullying and changed their faith because they felt vulnerable.
A Ministry source said that to be a Muslim in jail was now seen as ‘cool’, and while Muslim prisoners once felt isolated and vulnerable, they were
now ‘flexing their muscles’. This made it all the more important to ensure that extremist views did not spread.]