posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 05:36 PM
For a few years I had reoccurring dreams, that while not unpleasant, were weird and unsettling. My last one turned very disturbing. I "awoke" to
find myself walking upright being led into a surgical observation room. The room was incredibly bright and light seemed to come from all directions.
It was about twenty feet in diameter with slanted observation windows fifteen feet up around the top of the walls and a small square table in the
middle surrounded by a thick Plexiglas half wall six feet tall. I was lead thru a small entrance in the wall and seated with three other "people". I
knew there were several people outside the wall, behind me and one seated to my right but the two "people" seated across from me were the only ones
I could focus my attention on. When I tried to look around I was unable to despite having no apparent restrains, nor could I stand. The two "people"
across from me, that I was able to focus on, were short, pudgy faced and appeared oriental. They kept smiling, nodding encouragingly and spoke a
language I did not recognize, yet could fully understand. I was attached to some devise that was out of my view by wires that entered the top middle
of my forearms leading towards my shoulders. I'm not sure how, but I know they went in quite a way and attached to my nervous system. In front of me
on the table was a strange little devise that I have since been told is a frustum. The lower part was the size and dimensions of a hockey puck with a
cone protruding off . The cone side had a flat rim about a half inch wide surrounding the cone and the cone's top was cut off flat about an inch in
diameter. When place on edge, it would balance on this rims edge with the surface of the cone perfectly parallel to the table. I was allowed to fiddle
with this devise for a moment, then was told to stop and concentrate. The machine connected to my arms was turned on. I felt a slight shock and a warm
buzzing or vibration started up my arms, into my spine causing all the hair to stand up on my body and then the vibration went back down my arms into
my hands. The surface of my palms felt hot and electric. I was again encouraged to play with the small frustum devise on the table. To my surprise, it
slid away from my hand and began to spin when I reached for it. It felt like trying to force the like poles of two powerful magnets together. When I
cupped my left hand around it gently it would slowly slid to my right staying about an inch away from my palm and would rotating clockwise. When I
used my right hand the rotation would slow down and begin to rotate counter clockwise. After passing it back and forth between my hands, and chasing
it around the table for a few minutes I was encouraged to use both hands together. Trapping it, I found I was unable to make contact and the magnetic
force multiplied as I squeezed down on it. This is when I got my next big surprise, at about 8-10 pounds of force it began to orbit and spin in all
direction, quickly becoming a blur within my hands. When I let go it would slow down, eventually going back to a simple spinning motion but would
begin to flip and orbit when squeezed again. As it flipped and orbited the magnetic field felt smooth and balanced, having none of the out of balance
characteristics that its physical shape would imply. At this thought the experiment was stopped and I again looked up to see that the two "people"
in front of me were very pleased.
It was made known to me that I was finished and it was time to go. I looked up at the observation windows and became very disturbed. While I could not
see anyone behind them, I was distinctly aware of many "people" observing the test. There was an emotional response to each one as if they were all
in some way in my mind and I was vaguely aware of each them at some level. A chill went thru my body as I realized that not only were they not
friendly but identical, as if clones. With this insight, I again surveyed my surroundings and realized the feeling was coming from every being around
me. The feeling of encouragement and friendliness coming from the two seated across from me was fake and being projected into my mind.
I woke up very sore and had difficulty concentrating for several days. A few day later I had sores appear where the wires had entered my forearms,
they were very deep holes that took a long time to heal. I still have scars to this day and many others that look identical in the same area.
I had this dream many times but despite continuing to have weird holes and scars appear on my forearms, I have never recalled an incident after this
Stranger still was the fact that my live in girlfriend at the time experienced a paralyzing night terror the same night as the above
Has anyone ever had a similar experience? Or seen this frustrum device?