posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 05:00 PM
I've thinking about this for a very long time and I came to the conclusion that human kind will not live much's just the right time for
us to be erased.Everything humankind is doing these days is taking us away from God...wars,cloning,destroying our own planet...everything's going
wrong,seems 90% of us have forgotten why we are here...I've been through lots of information and I'm sure we now live in the so called "End of
Time",it's just that something really needs to change...I don't know if "the end " will happen in 2012,later or sooner,but a big change is to
happen very soon.I still wonder what this "the end" really means,will we be erased from this planet,will some sort of enlightment will open our
hearts for God,will we be taken back in the 4th dimension just like Drunvalo Melkhezedek predicts...I've no idea what this change will be like,but I
really hope something Big will happen soon,we've gone too far from God and everything must be put in order...So,what do you think,will something Big
happen or these are the thoughts of a desperate man...Godbless
P.s Sorry for my english,I'm from Bulgaria