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Antichrist. Here's a thought.

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posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
A computer can't work miracles.

I would love to see a computer work miracles like Jesus did 2,000 years ago.

Humans work miracles through computers...

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:06 PM
I certainly agree with you Faisca.

This Maitreya is now a part of official Catholic prophecy, and he exists all right. This creep even has his own website. But he is little known in the West as yet.

Look him up in Google. It is terrifying stuff. This end time stuff is starting to fall into place in a rather alarming way.

For the signals before the great warning check out:

And for the great man himself looky here:

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:13 PM
Glad to know someone agrees with me about Maitreya. I've had my eye on him for a while now. The things he does, that he's for, and just the circumstances surrounding him are quite close to what the antichrist is supposed to be like.

People always say "how can we know who the antichrist is? He's supposed to be deceitful."

My answer is that if you know what to look for, are close to God, and don't let yourself be deceived you can see through whoever the antichrist might be. I just pray that I have the strength to do just that when the time comes...

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:47 PM
George Noory had a terribly interesting interview with Benjamin Creme, the founder of Share Intl, in which they covered all grounds of end times, Maitreya's "miracles", etc. Normally it's impossible for me to stay awake for the entire Coast to Coast AM show, but this was such an interesting guest, who could be a very real threat to humanity.

I've been reading about the signs that we are in end times- can anyone list them, or point out a website they can be found?

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 10:54 PM
Bobbo... What exactly was the interview about? Creme was saying Maitreya didn't fit end-times events? He does? Please explain more, that's very interesting.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:01 PM
Benjamin Creme is, essentially, Maitreya's PR man- or to those who can see through the sham he puts on, he would be considered the flase prophet, who obviously denied up and down that Maitreya would be involved with end time events- Creme wants everyone to believe Maitreya is the true God.

George Noory posed the question about Maitreya being the Anti-Christ several times, to which a true answer was never given.

It all makes sense though, at least from what I've read, that the anti-christ would send a false prophet to prepare, albeit a lie, the masses for the return of christ. the false prophet- Creme- also points out certain miracles and such that Maitreya supposedly has performed.

Definitely check out read it up and down, its full of interesting stuff, and will explain Creme's side of why Maitreya is coming back. Also, do a search on ATS for Maitreya, there are a few websites floating around that get very in depth about the Maitreya/Anti-christ connection.

And look at the photo of his supposed appearance in kenya or nepal- freaky looking bastard, isn't he?

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:05 PM

that thread has some info about end times. Interesting reading.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:26 PM
Bobbo, I've posted half of the things on Maitreya on this website, lol. This is definately something to look into. I wish I could have heard that interview, it would have been quite interesting.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:29 PM
if you are looking for a man to be the AC, you are going to be terrible misled. the AC will not be a man but in fact Satan himself. the "mark" is not a literal mark contrary to popular belief. i assure you, AC will not be a flesh man... the first one claiming to be jesus performing miracles will not be the real one. the rapture is a lie. do not believe it. the church is not whisping away to the clouds. the church will be here throughout the entire deception. 2.3 billion christians in the world to be deceived, looking at the AC thinking he's christ b/c he looks like christ and acts like christ. only 144,000 will actually know what is going on. that is less than 1/1000th of the christian population. remember: things are not always to be taken literally..many times things are figuratively spoken. 1thes4 is NOT bout the end of time. it is about where the dead are. so many people stop with that chapter and think its about the end of time. they forget about 2thes2. 1corinthians tells the truth about in a flash of light an theif in the night stuff b/c for most ppl, most of the christian population, it will be like a thief in the night that christ comes b/c they arent looking in the right direction. god said in the book of ezekial that he will hunt down those who teach his children to fly. do not believe the rapture my friends. it is a false teaching. it is not true and it is the biggest lie in churches today. remember: god is not the author of confusion... satan is. how organized will it be for a bunch of ppl in the world, 1/3rd of the world's population to start floating away in the middle of driving a car or talking on the phone or performing surgery or saving someone's life? do you really think that god, the artist who put the universe in motion, who made our bodies and our brains in the way that they are (or should be) would do something so chaotic as to have ppl disappear like that???? think about it.

posted on Apr, 1 2004 @ 11:58 PM
I agree with Thomas Jefferson, in that Revelations is, "The ravings of a madman." Most recent interpretations of John the Divine's phantasmagoria began to emerge in the 19th century. Millions are long buried who espoused the imminence of apocaplyptic scenarios. Upon reaching the end of the 1st millenium of the common era, there were massive conversions due to eschatological fervor. In fact, apocalypse myths are noted in many ancient civilizations' writings. How long is this topic going to be used to blur the message of Jesus?

Unequivocally, he preached of love, forgiveness and healing. How can anyone believe that his love would be expressed vis a vis enormous plagues and suffering? Of course, only those who adhere to very narrow interpretations of a book that most people have not even seen (nor had a chance to for thousands of years), can be saved from the wrathful scourge. What nonsense! Certainly, it is inconsistent with the Jesus presented in the Gospels.

Personally, I want to believe in a God like Jesus. But the apocalypse-mongerers who call themselves Christians give me doubts. Fortunately, heaven is not of this world and it is within me. Otherwise, the "101st Church of Eschatology" would entirely spoil my simple belief.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:48 AM

about maitreya

a picture of him

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:50 AM
maitreya claims responsibility fo crop circles
ya think he's alien or hybrid?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:31 AM
Hi Faisca, I had never heard of this guy until I read through exactly what is supposed to happen at the end times. This site gives the whole unfolding picture in great detail. exactly what is going to happen in the end times, in what order, and a rough time scale. It is long, but well worth the trouble to read right through.

I believe this is going to happen in only a few MONTHS time.

1/ Pope John Paul It's flight from Rome and faked death that will result in the new anti-pope, which according to other threads on this site will be the Jewish Archbishop of France.

2/ Collapse of the stockmarket worldwide and financial panic.

3/ Beginning of wars all over the world. we are almost at that stage right now.

4/ Mysterious disappearance of native birds and small animals.

5/ White cross appears in the sky for seven days and seven nights. Everyone will see this worldwide.

6/ The news in the media about a comet approaching. Do a Google search for the massive asteroid "St Micheal" expected to hit us on Sept 29, 2004.

8/ Beginning of Gods warning, terrifying stuff, and what to do during this time. Every person will be judged as if he were dead, but will be returned to life. Each person gets to choose to follow God, or be damned to hell.

9/ Comet hits the earth causing massive destruction. Destruction of whole infrastructure, food supply, electricity, water, chaos, looting, the whole lot.

10/ Great drought because of heat from comet. Water and food scarcity. Plagues of several types.

11/ The great cold caused by a nuclear winter type event lasting a couple of months. About one third of humanity is expected to die by this stage from injury, starvation, disease, or murder.

12/ The antichrist appears as the salvation of mankind.

13/ God performs several miracles to remind people who is the boss.

14/ The antichrist fakes a few miracles of his own.

15/ And then nuclear war between all nations.

16/ Finally God judges his people. There will be three days of darkness where everyone that is not a true believer of God will be destroyed and sent to hell.

17/ The second coming, and God reigns supreme with the dawning of a new age. Only one in six people are expected to reach this stage alive.

It is all here, including the name of the antichrist and the mark of the beast 666 with implanted microchip and all the rest. Please understand this is not from some nut, but is OFFICIAL CATHOLIC PROPHECY approved by Rome.

If the Pope suddenly goes AWOL in the near future, be very very afraid.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:38 AM
NASA seems to think that the St. Michael Asteroid is going to come within a million miles from Earth- which is a close call, apparently- but they don't think it's going to hit.

Now if NASA is as reliable with their calculations for asteroids as they are when it comes to building space shuttles, we're all screwed. but otherwise, I doubt this one will hit us.

But keep reading about Maitreya, and if we start to hear about him gaining popularity, thats when I think it's time to worry.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:51 AM
I agree with Thomas Jefferson, in that Revelations is, "The ravings of a maniac." Most recent interpretations of John the Divine's phantasmagoria began to emerge in the 19th century. Millions are long buried who espoused the imminence of apocaplyptic scenarios. Upon reaching the end of the 1st millenium of the common era, there were massive conversions due to eschatological fervor. In fact, apocalypse myths are noted in many ancient civilizations' writings. How long is this topic going to be used to blur the message of Jesus?

Unequivocally, he preached of love, forgiveness and healing. How can anyone believe that his love would be expressed vis a vis enormous plagues and suffering? Of course, only those who adhere to very narrow interpretations of a book that most people have not even seen (nor had a chance to for thousands of years), can be saved from the wrathful scourge. What nonsense! Certainly, it is inconsistent with the Jesus presented in the Gospels.

Personally, I want to believe in a God like Jesus. But the apocalypse-mongerers who call themselves Christians give me doubts. Fortunately, heaven is not of this world and it is within me. Otherwise, the "101st Church of Eschatology" would entirely spoil my simple belief.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:39 AM
Well Aeon, then you have nothing to worry about. No doubt a toast will be raised to the antichrist at the local lodge.

Me. I am staring to see all this beginning to add up, and I do not like what I see. Thy will be done........

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousPoster4
First of all, when people ask about the antichrist, they always ask 'who'........... what if it's not a 'who' at all?

Here's a quote I found.

In the Hebrew alphabet -- Hebrew, by the way, is the language of God -- ``W'' ( pronounced ``vov'') is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and, in the Hebraic number system, has traditionally stood for the number 6, so WWW = 666

Now with that, www is the world wide web.

Anyone remember Y2K?

What if that could still happen?

What if the antichrist takes the form of WWW, and does what we feared just a few short years ago?

Anyone see any logic in this?

Interesting... I also know that "www" means "666" in Hebraic characters. But the old devil 'enters' a man, the bible is clear on this. The antichrist IS a man. Some think, the antichrist will be an alien, or claim he knows aliens... or some such. The latter I might believe, the antichrist saying he knows aliens, who knows. I believe 'ufos' are fallen angels anyhow (shrug) and if they indeed are the fallen angels that rebelled with Lucifer? Who's to say the devil's little henchman wont show up the day the antichrist arises? Could of kooky but interesting to think about... to me anyhow.

Y2K was just a scare tactic. I'd be more afraid of E-bombs. EMP bombs (electromagnetic pulse). That can fry every wire in your pc, your electrical outlets... your tv, your toaster - everything. Not a nice thought. But they do exist!

What if the antichrist takes the form of the www? Hmm I never thought of that. How about this - since Revelation makes clear mention that the antichrist will know who and who isn't worshiping him at all times... perhaps the 'internet' and computers, and perhaps your own television, will be the way the antichrist knows what you're doing? We can get into kooky topics on this, such as cable companies putting mics and even cameras in cable boxes - tv sets to come with RFID chips pretty soon, all kinds of tracking technology is here, and more is coming - that could allow a "1 world ruler" aka the antichrist, to monitor everyone at all times (as daunting a job as this sounds, keep in mind the UN charter claims they need to reduce the earth's population by 80% - so take 6 billion human souls and reduce it down 80% and you get what... 500 million? then we have the account of WORMWOOD in the bible, that takes 1/3 of all human life on the planet... incoming comet? maybe with a smaller population in the world, the antichrist can track people more efficiently?)

Interesting though... I like hearing new scenarios all the time.

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
I still say it could possible be a person called Maitreya, even though no one seems to agree with me on that one.

Hi Faisca..

Haha, I laugh not at you, but at Maitreya. He is no antichrist
He's another nut case, much like Tsung Yung Moon and the rest. See, the antichrist will claim he is jewish, or a descendant thereof; and this Maitreya moron, doesn't do that... he's just another nut, as is his false prophet wannabe 'Benjamin Creme' - Jesus warned there's be false christs and those saying they are anti
You will know my friend, when 'he', the actual antichrist comes on the world scene. Oh we'll ALL know when it is him. Question is... you gonna follow him? He'll be a good deceiver and have wonderful world-plans to solve hard problems, oh he will... but the point is, he's a liar, and he always has been since Eden. He lies so well, he made man think that we got here through evolution

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 03:43 PM
MarkRM, I don't know for sure that Maitreya is the antichrist, but there is a lot of similarities between him and whatever is supposed to happen with antichrist. Check out this link for more info

Even if he's not the antichrist (which may very well be, no one can no for sure right now) I still think he's a lot more believable for the role than Kerry or Bush. Dont you?

You will know my friend, when 'he', the actual antichrist comes on the world scene. Oh we'll ALL know when it is him.

By the way, I don't think everyone will know he is the antichrist when he comes. That's the point. Most of the population will see him as some kind of savior or messiah, like a second coming of Christ. Which he is definately not. True believers in Christ will be able to see through his deception, but I think that's the point of him being able to deceive. He will trick the masses into following him. If they knew he was the antichrist and that following him would lead them to eternal damnation, I highly doubt people would choose to follow such a person.

[Edited on 5-4-2004 by Faisca]

[Edited on 5-4-2004 by Faisca]

posted on Apr, 5 2004 @ 03:54 PM
That maitreya character is just one of the false teachers; he's not the one. Take a look at the guy, who's going to trust him. The AC won't be wearing a robe dressed in white. It will have to be somebody the masses can relate to and trust. He will be a wolf dressed in sheeps clothing. He'll speak 99.999% truth but that small percentage of lies is what makes him the great deciever.
Now that guy that mentioned the catholic prophecy approved by Rome, that is some scary crap. Mostly, because those guys have a history of making things happen...Can someone tell me where in the NT is the AC referred to besides Revelaton?

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