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Diageo plc - H5N1 - Tamiflu

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posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 06:23 AM
My wife is an employee of Diageo PLC. For those not aware 'Diageo' is the worlds leading alcoholic beverage manufacturer with brands including, (Johnnie Walker, J&B, Smirnoff vodka) to name but a few.

They are a truly global organisation with over 10,000 employees and operations in almost every country in the world.

We have just received a package from 'Diageo' which contains a course of 'Tamiflu' for my wife, myself and our daughter. Diageo have supplied all employees and their families worldwide with 'Tamiflu' at an estimated cost of over 15 million dollars!!

All employees at every site had to attend a compulsory presentation by medical and company experts which outlined amongst other things:

1. The history of the virus
2. The spread of the virus.
3. Case studies.
4. The impact of a possible epedemic.
5. Measures to protect yourself.
6. Diageo's policy in relation to an epedemic.
7. Tamiflu

At the end of the presentation there was a question and answer session as is the 'norm'. Now it is fair to say that this presentation left many feeling a little nervous if not scared. There were many questions raised and answered but the most important question and answer i think was the following.

Q. Is 'Diageo' not being a little over cautious are you not blowing this whole thing out of proportion?

A. Based on our research, consultations and investigations we believe it is highly likely that we can expect to see a dramatic increase in the number of reported cases over the next six months. We are just trying to protect our Business.

This answer only served to heighten the anxiety of the audience.

What do you guy's think? Are Diageo acting as a responsible employer? Do they have information that we the general public are not privvy to? Does Tamiflu work - will it protect my family?

[edit on 18-10-2008 by snudger]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:04 AM

If you think this should be moved to 'medical issues' please do so. I'm a fairly new member so sorry if it's in the wrong place.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:06 AM
firstly, I'm a-friggin-mazed that an employer would spend that kinda cash on its employees. Of course, I may just be pessimistic, but not a lot of employers are willing to do that, for the sake of 'keeping their employees healthy', etc. Why do that, when you can hire new people? *shrug*

That being said, and taking it into consideration as well, I'd suspect their motives are highly suspicious.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:22 AM
Life just gets stranger every day doesn't it ...
My first impression was of course that somehow this was a purely financial decision.
I may be cheaper to spend money up front on the vaccine than to pay sick leave and replacement workers if a lot of people get sick.
Then there's also lost production if a lot of people got sick and with the holiday season not too far off ...
On the other hand it could just be some guy with a lot of influence in the company who's paranoid.
... or like u said, with more info than we have
i think we should keep our ears open for any other signs elsewhere
never had a flu shot myself and don't plan on it, but could be convinced if some sort of pandemic were expected ...

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by wayno

The course of treatment is in capsule form and lasts for seven days. It is to be taken when a Doctor confirms that you have contracted it. I think Diageo is under the impression that there is going to be a shortage of the drug due to higher demand. Hence they have bought and supplied.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:09 AM
My impression is that a company that already kills probably tens of thousands if not more through alcoholism related fatalities is probably just taking it up a notch and spreading disease through its employees. This could be part of a global culling that is scheduled to take place over the next few years.

Almost all big corporations are owned by the elitist NWO system, and as should be known by now, they are enemies of man. Their future is stupidification, steralization and genocide. This is probably one of the pieces in the puzzle.

I would not take the vaccines or any other corporate provided healthcare material and take my chances with my own imune system and trusted doctors/healers.

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Zepherian]

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 11:54 AM
Tamiflu is not vaccine. It has limited (several years) shelf life. I find it very puzzling that so much money was spent on something that will be worthless in less then a decade. Unless it will be needed. Maybe they calculated that it is cheaper to give the drug then to loose on sick people at home? But all medical authorities say that Tamiflu treatment should not be substitute for vaccination.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Thanks for your reply.

Please excuse my ignorance but what 'vaccine' are you talking about? As far as i am aware there is no 'vaccine'.

Are you talking about the annual flu shot?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Zepherian
My impression is that a company that already kills probably tens of thousands if not more through alcoholism related fatalities is probably just taking it up a notch and spreading disease through its employees. This could be part of a global culling that is scheduled to take place over the next few years.

Almost all big corporations are owned by the elitist NWO system, and as should be known by now, they are enemies of man. Their future is stupidification, steralization and genocide. This is probably one of the pieces in the puzzle.

I would not take the vaccines or any other corporate provided healthcare material and take my chances with my own imune system and trusted doctors/healers.

[edit on 18-10-2008 by Zepherian]

Ok. Thanks for your reply.

But could you please consider that i have a 3 year old daughter who is my main concern? Do you really believe what you are saying?

You are telling me to ignore medical advice and possibly sentence my daughter to death!!!

Please take a deep breath before replying.


posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 02:48 PM
Just prior to Donald Rumsfeld becoming our Secretary of Defense, he was the Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences, the company that created Tamiflu.

The “good” news about Tamiflu is that research shows that it will reduce a person’s symptoms of the flu by one day(isn’t that worth the $1 billion that President Bush proposed in his 2006 State of the Union address?). The fact that there is no evidence that Tamiflu will cure the “bird flu” or even reduce its symptoms in a significant way seems to be a perfect fit for what might be the “Bush Doctrine.”

Tamiflu Truth

posted on Oct, 18 2008 @ 02:49 PM
Tamiflu does have a tendency to cause various side-effects, but side-effects (and collateral damage) are simply the price that we have to pay for health (or war). Some of the side effects from Tamiflu include suicide -- but only if you're a child; delirium -- but heck, if you're delirious, you won't even know it; convulsions -- but you might learn some new dance steps; hepatitis and liver disease, but maybe it's good "exercise" for the liver; asthma and allergy symptoms -- it is so good for you that it takes your breathe away!

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by snudger

Yes, i definetly spoke about flu seasonal vaccination. Tamiflu was not developed for avian flu, its developement started long before recent outbreaks and media attention. Its purpose was to fight "normal" flu virus.
But there are vaccines for avian flu too now, at least for certain variations. Some are allowed already to be used in humans.


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